Tuesday March 23, 1926 | House of Representatives – Australian Parliament

The top 5 words mentioned on 1926-03-23 were: cotton tweeds, duty, tariff, item, price

The 200 most common words used in parliament on Tuesday March 23, 1926 were:

Word Frequency
cotton tweeds 224
duty 197
tariff 146
item 115
price 110
material 109
goods 102
industry 94
duties 91
trade 89
manufacturers 84
maize 80
country 79
mills 76
cent 74
imported 72
article 71
cost 70
British 65
fact 63
increase 63
manufacture 62
yards 52
order 51
South Africa 47
quality 46
Tariff Board 46
protection 43
woollen 41
prepared 41
large 41
countries 41
sample 41
production 40
products 39
asparagus 39
statement 38
pay 38
business 37
produce 37
Great 36
growers 36
point 36
schedule 35
view 35
Great Britain 35
importation 34
imposed 34
workers 34
market 33
company 33
reason 33
firm 33
bushel 33
making 32
general 32
interests 32
wages 32
English 32
produced 32
support 32
imports 32
industries 31
regard 31
Queensland 31
imposition 31
increased 30
asked 30
shoddy 30
piece goods 30
labour 29
local 29
high 29
factories 29
case 29
established 29
policy 28
weight 28
member for Angas 28
tweeds 27
rate 27
subject 27
hands 27
figures 27
secondary industries 27
stated 26
oz 26
proposed 25
referred 25
work 25
report 25
worth 25
requirements 24
number 24
evidence 24
Japan 24
importers 24
cloth 24
manufactured 23
considerable 23
sufficient 23
basis 23
consideration 22
lb 22
higher 22
told 22
stock 22
experience 22
rennet 22
working man 22
grown 21
representatives 21
profit 21
result 21
manufacturing 21
black labour 21
raw material 21
understand 20
passed 20
purpose 20
connexion 20
received 20
required 20
extent 20
paid 20
development 20
Melbourne 20
supplies 20
employment 20
conditions 20
cheap 20
wool 20
cotton goods 20
maize growers 20
man 19
treaty 19
primary 19
clothing 19
assistance 19
require 19
find 19
application 19
supply 19
sold 19
tins 19
equal 19
hope 19
action 19
South African 19
per annum 19
demand 18
guarantee 18
additional 18
operation 18
period 18
acres 18
place 18
circumstances 18
British manufacturers 18
Woollen Mills 18
men 17
amount 17
mentioned 17
desire 17
community 17
advantage 17
practically 17
difficulties 17
quantity 17
free 17
compete 17
greater 17
difficulty 17
drought 17
principle 17
denim 17
ruling 17
cotton 16
working 16
producers 16
long 16
public 16
introduced 16
average 16
total 16
Japanese 16
bring 16
preference 16
protect 16
argument 16
letter 16
prohibitive 16
cotton piece goods 16
member for North 16
North Sydney 16
cotton piece 16
read 15
cover 15
request 15
carry 15

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