Wednesday June 18, 1924 | House of Representatives – Australian Parliament

The top 5 words mentioned on 1924-06-18 were: leases, watering place, motion, lessee, land

The 200 most common words used in parliament on Wednesday June 18, 1924 were:

Word Frequency
leases 135
watering place 113
motion 90
lessee 90
land 82
agreement 82
oil 65
principal watering place 64
principal watering 64
head station 61
company 57
meat 54
water 47
case 45
facts 42
resumption 37
Board 36
purposes 34
person 33
paragraph 33
station 32
action 32
area 32
Meat Council 32
interest 31
money 31
read 30
work 29
power 29
opinion 28
trade 27
Tasmania 27
member for Bass 26
Northern Territory 26
consideration 25
statement 25
view 25
vessel 24
men 24
homestead 23
held 22
report 22
point 22
within miles 22
vote 21
Ordinance 21
Constitution 21
man 21
capital 20
connexion 20
referred 20
measures 20
deal 20
member for East 20
East Sydney 20
notice 19
asked 19
legal 19
follow 19
clear 19
order 19
opportunity 19
holding 19
Public Service 19
Public 18
dealt 18
great 18
contract 18
river 18
retain 17
law 17
pecuniary interest 17
private members 17
business 16
General 16
account 16
prevent 16
regard 16
funds 16
allowed 16
agreed 16
leave 16
enable 16
refinery 16
member for Riverina 16
shares 15
country 15
received 15
provided 15
advance 15
word 15
party 15
parties 15
meat industry 15
water supply 15
Representatives 14
answers 14
income 14
hold 14
subject 14
condition 14
large 14
submitted 14
proper 14
owners 14
Anglo Persian 14
original agreement 14
Land Board 14
Service 13
industry 13
number 13
Treasurer 13
paid 13
amount 13
Queensland 13
long 13
sufficient 13
scheme 13
benefit 13
stock 13
notice of motion 13
Oil Company 13
land within 13
separate 12
interested 12
passed 12
considered 12
authority 12
debt 12
determine 12
desire 12
mentioned 12
satisfied 12
move 12
provide 12
definition 12
stands 12
qualifications 12
signed 12
dealing 12
surrender 12
Australian Meat Council 12
Trade and Customs 12
Australian Meat 12
place upon 12
upon notice 12
Court 11
consolidated 11
circumstances 11
hope 11
proposals 11
reason 11
control 11
carry 11
Sinking 11
increase 11
rate 11
proposed 11
intention 11
stated 11
pass 11
pay 11
charge 11
discussed 11
carried 11
granting 11
Minister for Trade 11
chief watering place 11
watering place upon 11
Mr Killen 11
chief watering 11
one lease 11
miles 10
cattle 10
life 10
engaged 10
find 10
accept 10
payment 10
refer 10
credit 10
provisions 10
meet 10
correct 10
Melbourne 10
ships 10
brought 10
forward 10
essential 10
permanent 10
distributing 10
resume 10
shall not comprise 10
Board would 10
British Government 10
resumed shall 10
Council 9
Sydney 9
South 9
additional 9

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