Thursday May 26, 1921 | House of Representatives – Australian Parliament

The top 5 words mentioned on 1921-05-26 were: pensions, case, duty, item, man

The 200 most common words used in parliament on Thursday May 26, 1921 were:

Word Frequency
pensions 125
case 118
duty 105
item 104
man 81
soldiers 80
Tariff 77
corsets 72
articles 69
good 59
men 50
work 47
war 43
hats 43
administration 40
free 38
fact 37
duties 37
industry 36
reason 36
country 35
sub item 35
manufacture 34
complaint 34
officers 33
regard 33
Commission 31
manufacturers 31
imported 31
rates 30
mother 30
price 29
letter 29
statement 29
persons 29
deal 29
passed 28
desire 27
bonds 26
hands 26
medical 25
Board 25
order 25
consideration 25
trade 24
connexion 24
making 24
law 24
asked 23
protection 23
great 23
public 23
class 23
large 22
received 22
told 22
local 21
claims 21
established 21
increased 21
entitled 21
dutiable 21
per cent general 21
cent general 21
service 20
point 20
paid 20
Forces 20
circumstances 20
move 20
material 20
action 19
enlisted 19
homes 19
power 19
prepared 19
doctor 19
pay 18
refer 18
children 18
women 18
factory 18
war service 18
manufactured 17
hope 17
included 17
concerned 17
operations 17
opportunity 17
woman 17
number 16
total 16
result 16
experience 16
view 16
subject 16
trouble 16
instances 16
Commissioner 16
New South Wales 16
Mr Greene 16
proposal 15
required 15
considered 15
kind 15
dealt 15
conditions 15
definite 15
proposed 15
Sydney 15
accepted 15
support 15
alterations 15
increase 15
building 15
workers 15
intermediate per cent 15
British per 15
active service 15
ad val 15
intermediate per 15
war pensions 15
medical officer 15
fit 14
arrangement 14
object 14
period 14
interests 14
incapacitated 14
things 14
reduced 14
long 14
bring 14
family 14
admit 14
understand 14
left 14
living 14
wages 14
British per cent 14
general per cent 14
per cent intermediate 14
cent intermediate 14
general per 14
departmental 13
purposes 13
respect 13
worth 13
cash 13
suffering 13
decision 13
extent 13
stand 13
high 13
moved 13
leave 13
treatment 13
business 13
Melbourne 13
higher 13
ad val British 13
cent general per 13
member for Dampier 13
27th May 13
Repatriation Department 13
returned soldiers 13
val British 13
Repatriation 12
Acting 12
industries 12
propose 12
6d 12
obligations 12
amount 12
issued 12
request 12
carried 12
sympathy 12
Front 12
promises 12
motion 12
cost 12
dealing 12
answer 12
return 12
Chairman 12
brought 12
mentioned 12
generally 12
cut 12
opinion 12
girl 12
division 12
importers 12
feathers 12
stockings 12
cent intermediate per 12
member for Maranoa 12
State Board 12
cotton 11

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