Wednesday May 11, 1921 | House of Representatives – Australian Parliament

The top 5 words mentioned on 1921-05-11 were: Tariff, country, goods, price, great

The 200 most common words used in parliament on Wednesday May 11, 1921 were:

Word Frequency
Tariff 149
country 110
goods 71
price 58
great 57
manufacturers 57
industry 47
market 45
Protection 44
duty 42
policy 40
industries 39
duties 39
Board 36
fact 36
produce 36
primary producers 35
war 34
regard 32
instance 31
wool 31
money 30
interests 30
local 29
amount 29
case 29
works 29
cost 28
conditions 28
export 28
items 28
result 28
land 27
rate 27
power 27
number 26
report 26
desire 26
farmer 26
New Zealand 26
making 25
reason 25
countries 25
large 24
protective 24
view 23
products 23
things 23
statement 23
increased 23
pay 23
Empire 23
binder 23
development 22
propose 22
hope 21
manufacture 21
secondary industries 21
production 20
expenditure 20
nation 20
wheat 20
find 19
general 19
extent 19
cent 19
advantage 19
revenue 19
article 19
machine 19
reapers and binders 19
machinery 18
operations 18
deal 17
America 17
point 17
answers 17
public 17
employees 17
men 17
bring 17
business 17
imported 17
burden 17
Customs 16
asked 16
moment 16
American 16
respect 16
long 16
place 16
argument 16
prepared 16
factory 16
growing 16
agriculture 16
benefit 16
population 15
settlement 15
consideration 15
average 15
establishment 15
greatest 15
difference 15
areas 15
primary production 15
Free 14
import 14
increase 14
order 14
true 14
high 14
follow 14
taxation 14
imposed 14
profits 14
Labour 14
manufactured 14
great deal 14
connexion 13
experience 13
hand 13
circumstances 13
party 13
Company 13
milk 13
opinion 13
mind 13
debt 13
produced 13
Free Trade 13
Great Britain 13
purposes 12
Dominion 12
considered 12
concerned 12
action 12
return 12
quantity 12
national 12
foreign 12
refer 12
producing 11
Railways 11
proposal 11
understand 11
persons 11
meat 11
regulations 11
opportunity 11
importation 11
commodities 11
turn 11
vote 11
history 11
bushel 11
raw material 11
upon notice 11
primary 10
soldiers 10
remarks 10
referred 10
man 10
penalty 10
enormous 10
told 10
proposed 10
firms 10
period 10
intend 10
capital 10
buy 10
wages 10
definite 10
speak 10
speaking 10
times 10
impossible 10
maize 10
crop 10
Combine 10
iron and steel 10
self contained 10
material 9
Treasurer 9
Service 9
form 9
parts 9
necessity 9
additional 9
kind 9
paid 9
stand 9
realize 9
introduced 9
full 9
list 9
fruit 9
woollen 9
undue 9

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