Wednesday September 22, 1909 | House of Representatives – Australian Parliament

The top 5 words mentioned on 1909-09-22 were: order, motion, Standing Orders, ruling, Chair

The 200 most common words used in parliament on Wednesday September 22, 1909 were:

Word Frequency
order 223
motion 158
Standing Orders 135
ruling 99
Chair 80
Customs and Excise 74
per head 71
revenue 68
expenditure 68
point 65
yesterday 60
Constitution 60
agreement 54
discuss 51
suspension 48
New Zealand 48
fact 47
interest 47
desire 44
increase 41
discussion 41
Excise revenue 40
circumstances 39
money 39
member for West 39
West Sydney 39
debts 37
case 37
population 36
point of order 36
power 35
25s per 35
reason 33
taxation 32
majority 32
dissent 32
amount 32
proposal 32
find 32
objection 31
Federation 31
rights 30
country 30
per capita 30
rule 29
good 28
figures 28
increased 28
25s per head 28
great 27
regard 26
meet 26
statement 26
submit 26
large 26
pay 26
proposed 25
raised 25
direct taxation 25
public 24
word 24
future 24
permitted 23
works 23
view 23
side 23
opinion 23
Tariff 23
New South Wales 23
payment 22
number 22
decision 22
procedure 22
carried 21
attention 21
action 21
submitted 21
deal 20
terms 20
asked 19
policy 19
estimate 19
arrangement 19
discussed 19
hope 19
kind 19
finance 19
financial 19
cost 19
imports 19
Defence 18
remarks 18
stated 18
necessity 18
ruled 18
period 18
occasion 18
form 18
understand 18
true 18
Federal 17
moved 17
propose 17
forthwith 17
countries 17
notice 16
place 16
persons 16
Treasurer 16
brought 16
experience 16
adopted 16
making 16
refer 16
withdraw 16
total 16
duties 15
General 15
purpose 15
land 15
services 15
proceeding 15
thought 15
member for Boothby 15
read 14
settled 14
afternoon 14
minority 14
protest 14
sufficient 14
object 14
subject 14
fair 14
cent 14
balance 14
Federal Parliament 14
State debts 14
United States 14
revenue duties 14
tax 13
direction 13
ground 13
carry 13
provide 13
permit 13
extent 13
absolutely 13
feel 13
discussing 13
duty 13
regret 13
free 13
party 13
larger 13
protective 13
items 13
oversea trade 13
additional 12
aware 12
increasing 12
consideration 12
speaking 12
graves 12
accepted 12
require 12
perfectly 12
writing 12
mind 12
allowed 12
rise 12
required 12
greater 12
prevent 12
leave 12
return 12
borrowed 12
old age 12
South 11
Premiers 11
privileges 11
reasonable 11
post 11
special 11
intend 11
move 11
proper 11
limits 11
business 11
urgent 11
set 11
dissented 11
dealt 11
decide 11
admit 11
prepared 11
cover 11
principle 11
applied 11
tactics 11
yield 11

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