Friday September 27, 1907 | House of Representatives – Australian Parliament

The top 5 words mentioned on 1907-09-27 were: Combine, butter, shipping, member for Moreton, combination

The 200 most common words used in parliament on Friday September 27, 1907 were:

Word Frequency
Combine 93
butter 74
shipping 71
member for Moreton 63
combination 53
trade 45
company 45
rates 44
contract 39
producers 39
shipping companies 38
freights 37
great 37
conditions 35
interests 33
mail steamers 32
steamers 30
fact 29
Labour Party 29
service 28
shippers 28
pay 27
vessels 27
evidence 26
regard 26
asked 25
deal 25
opinion 25
view 25
companies 24
order 24
mail contract 24
Shipping Combine 24
community 23
action 22
desire 22
attention 22
public 22
lines 21
connexion 21
Queensland 21
control 21
Socialism 21
country 21
member for Parramatta 21
answer 20
man 20
steam ship 20
produce 19
coal 19
tenders 19
price 19
business 19
power 19
Conference 19
goods 19
purpose 19
export 18
persons 18
consideration 18
reply 18
Party 17
motion 17
read 17
case 17
place 17
opposed 17
competition 17
prepared 17
subsidy 17
demand 17
line of steamers 17
agreement 16
arrangement 16
Tariff 16
industries 16
report 16
principle 16
subject 16
individual 16
proposal 16
point 15
support 15
making 15
existence 15
increase 15
object 15
carry 15
exporters 15
duty 15
law 15
markets 15
Acting Prime Minister 15
Acting Prime 15
Commission 14
union 14
opportunity 14
carried 14
hear 14
adjournment 14
received 14
Labour 13
carriage 13
notice 13
secure 13
oversea 13
charged 13
dealing 13
provide 13
hope 13
evil 13
trusts 13
fair 13
profits 13
Shipping Commission 13
Sydney 12
work 12
extent 12
statement 12
concerned 12
rise 12
brought 12
industry 12
kind 12
pointed 12
sufficient 12
political 12
higher 12
morning 12
elections 12
Royal Commission 12
shipping ring 12
space 11
men 11
Federal 11
cargo 11
allowed 11
monopoly 11
whilst 11
Brisbane 11
remedy 11
speaking 11
discussion 11
railways 11
Steam Navigation Company 11
Navigation Company 11
Steam Navigation 11
per box 11
ship companies 11
unionists 10
ring 10
operation 10
reasonable 10
proposed 10
wages 10
suggestion 10
find 10
London 10
regulate 10
entered 10
equal 10
Aberdeen 10
charge 10
hold 10
hands 10
prevent 10
practically 10
amount 10
postal 10
treated 10
respect 10
money 10
join 10
effort 10
Premiers 10
preference to unionists 10
steam ship companies 10
cold storage 10
mail companies 10
primary producers 10
private 9
enterprise 9
long 9
reason 9
called 9
result 9
definite 9
feel 9
interested 9
high 9
offer 9
Victorian 9
shipped 9
Board 9
recognise 9
arrange 9
attempt 9
working 9
steps 9
establishment 9

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