Thursday September 26, 1907 | House of Representatives – Australian Parliament

The top 5 words mentioned on 1907-09-26 were: income tax, taxation, power, case, Constitution

The 200 most common words used in parliament on Thursday September 26, 1907 were:

Word Frequency
income tax 164
taxation 148
power 148
case 103
Constitution 73
salary 71
law 69
High Court 67
decision 66
salaries 62
Federal 61
measure 61
legislation 58
general 55
officers 52
citizens 52
Victoria 49
pay income tax 47
pay income 47
respect 45
allowance 42
Tariff 42
United States 42
Congress 41
subject 40
principle 40
Court 37
point 37
authority 37
public servants 36
representative 35
banks 34
Senate 34
exemption 34
earned 33
order 33
reside 32
desire 31
doubt 30
held 30
instrumentalities 30
opinion 29
created 28
consideration 28
paid 27
rights 27
Queensland 27
taxed 26
regard 26
great 26
operation 26
Attorney General 26
deal 25
conditions 25
man 25
elected 25
attempt 24
exercise 24
decided 24
exempt 24
read 23
view 23
control 23
referred 22
pass 22
judgment 22
proviso 22
State taxation 22
place 21
action 21
proposed 21
waiver 21
New South Wales 21
liable 20
officials 20
passing 20
constitutional 20
imposed 20
interference 20
simply 19
rate 19
raised 19
property 19
share 19
national 18
answer 18
form 18
suggestion 18
hope 18
proper 18
Judge 18
create 18
interfere 18
extent 18
Melbourne 18
McCulloch v Maryland 18
McCulloch v 18
v Maryland 18
impose 17
report 17
asked 17
motion 17
exist 17
clear 17
persons 17
laid 17
Tasmania 17
earns 17
amount 16
dealing 16
reason 16
propose 16
lawyers 16
difficulty 16
authorities 16
receive 16
protection 16
agencies 16
Federal officers 16
Provided 15
refer 15
intended 15
introduced 15
passed 15
supreme 15
extend 15
money 15
common 15
instrumentality 15
waive 15
Federal Parliament 15
Public Service 15
duties 14
parliamentary 14
fact 14
adopted 14
vote 14
object 14
provisions 14
work 14
provide 14
purpose 14
levied 14
benefits 14
Parliaments 14
senator 14
Privy Council 14
reply 13
permit 13
discussion 13
reference 13
portion 13
occasion 13
duty 13
business 13
mind 13
argument 13
revenue 13
apply 13
escape 13
Commissioner 13
States to tax 13
South Australia 13
last night 13
public 12
difficulties 12
offices 12
proposal 12
bring 12
connexion 12
making 12
charge 12
support 12
feel 12
period 12
legal 12
stage 12
lines 12
hear 12
Bench 12
AttorneyGeneral 12
payable 12
residents 12
witnesses 12
Chief Justice 12
Federal officials 12
considered 11
number 11
word 11
prevent 11
manner 11
appeal 11
include 11
American 11
equally 11
taxing 11
legislate 11
total 11
case of McCulloch 11
member for Angas 11

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