Tuesday June 02, 1903 | House of Representatives – Australian Parliament

The top 5 words mentioned on 1903-06-02 were: case, great, administration, Court, New South Wales

The 200 most common words used in parliament on Tuesday June 02, 1903 were:

Word Frequency
case 112
great 92
administration 83
Court 82
New South Wales 69
Tariff 65
men 62
man 62
duty 55
law 55
Trade and Customs 54
England 53
opinion 50
Minister for Trade 50
statement 49
defence 47
Victoria 47
Customs 46
measures 46
find 46
goods 42
Federal 42
public 40
regard 40
Empire 39
action 39
revenue 37
merchants 37
charge 34
justice 34
Germany 34
fact 33
brought 33
British 33
protectionist 32
desire 32
officer 31
South Australia 31
work 30
Ministry 29
reason 29
interests 29
country 28
cent 28
place 27
told 27
large 27
figures 27
persons 26
view 26
political 25
Mr Chamberlain 25
free trade 25
proposed 24
business 24
number 24
paid 24
point 24
mistake 24
occasion 24
kind 24
attention 23
power 23
United States 23
Sydney 22
hand 22
support 22
duties 22
doubt 22
policy 21
consideration 21
side 21
labour 21
amount 21
countries 21
session 20
deal 20
reference 20
party 20
tons 20
sugar 20
majority 20
purpose 20
firm 20
vote 20
passed 20
Great Britain 20
High Court 20
free 19
service 19
order 19
election 19
pay 19
circumstances 19
system 19
connexion 19
Judges 19
increase 19
hope 18
legislation 18
life 18
received 18
feel 18
principles 18
wages 18
France 18
Customs department 18
Home Affairs 18
fraud 17
read 17
allowed 17
absolutely 17
sum 17
advantage 17
Melbourne 17
protection 17
carried 17
administered 17
exports 17
error 17
union 17
per head 17
population 16
Estimates 16
representatives 16
returns 16
asked 16
answer 16
hours 16
reply 16
honest 16
expense 16
electors 16
mind 16
character 16
stand 16
evidence 16
bound 16
motives 16
appeal 16
Governor General 16
United Kingdom 16
free traders 16
address 15
extent 15
community 15
suppose 15
result 15
increased 15
war 15
thought 15
sense 15
speaking 15
imports 15
word 15
manufactures 15
fiscal 14
decision 14
notice 14
speak 14
refer 14
subject 14
referred 14
Constitution 14
railway 14
admit 14
last session 14
Trade 13
General 13
explanation 13
promise 13
Surely 13
impossible 13
proposals 13
common 13
supporters 13
pointed 13
original 13
protective 13
industrial 13
expenditure 13
federation 13
feeling 13
influence 13
considered 13
set 13
average 13
fine 13
High 12
called 12
appointments 12
report 12
submitted 12
anxious 12
introduced 12
call 12
newspapers 12
class 12
required 12
held 12

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