Wednesday July 23, 1902 | House of Representatives – Australian Parliament

The top 5 words mentioned on 1902-07-23 were: candidates, electors, vote, election, South Australia

The 200 most common words used in parliament on Wednesday July 23, 1902 were:

Word Frequency
candidates 152
electors 144
vote 142
election 66
South Australia 61
system 56
voter 55
Senate 49
returning officer 46
case 44
majority 42
voting 41
person 41
officer 40
agreed to Clause 40
scrutineer 37
views 37
ballot paper 37
representation 35
presiding officer 34
desire 33
men 32
representatives 32
elected 30
protectionists 29
place 28
polling place 28
man 27
party 26
booth 26
plumping 26
return 25
interests 25
returned 24
number 23
order 23
New South Wales 23
Darling Downs 23
word 22
move 22
result 22
hope 22
proposal 22
good 21
support 21
free traders 21
polling booth 21
division 20
opinion 20
Victoria 20
names 20
minority 20
paper 19
compartment 19
Queensland 19
public 19
illiterate 19
number of candidates 19
Clause agreed 19
point 18
political 18
great 18
allowed 18
power 18
asked 17
connexion 17
regard 17
provided 17
large 17
compel 17
ballot box 17
labour party 17
rule 16
required 16
organizations 16
electoral 15
roll 15
adopted 15
rate 15
secure 15
practice 15
prevent 15
reason 15
object 15
member for Darling 15
one scrutineer 15
poll clerks 15
polling 14
consideration 14
purpose 14
answer 14
hour 14
country 14
absolutely 14
appoint 14
stands 14
represented 14
parties 14
member for South 14
full number 14
proportional representation 14
federal 13
carried 13
practically 13
general 13
suggestion 13
provisions 13
senators 13
opportunity 13
House of Representatives 13
doubt 12
Constitution 12
difficulty 12
press 12
fact 12
leave 12
Houses 12
represent 12
objection 12
exercise 12
voted 12
cast 12
compelled to vote 12
L Solomon 12
ballot 11
poll 11
form 11
read 11
work 11
Clauses 11
inserted 11
Tasmania 11
proposed 11
age 11
chance 11
principle 11
favour 11
immoral 11
opposed 11
South Australia Mr 11
Amendment agreed 11
block vote 11
duty 10
Customs 10
issued 10
error 10
mistake 10
special 10
referred 10
occasion 10
permit 10
propose 10
intend 10
suggested 10
scrutiny 10
open 10
wishes 10
adopt 10
constituencies 10
desired 10
community 10
labour 9
free 9
forward 9
deal 9
fair 9
claim 9
placing 9
written 9
appointed 9
impossible 9
expenditure 9
choice 9
intended 9
find 9
held 9
sufficient 9
recorded 9
approve 9
behalf 9
Clause as amended 9
eight o clock 9
elector to vote 9
amended agreed 9
six candidates 9
Sydney 8
single 8
meet 8
received 8
long 8
reference 8
business 8
direction 8
intention 8
idea 8
services 8
greater 8
advantage 8
Parliamentary 8

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