Friday June 28, 1901 | House of Representatives – Australian Parliament

The top 5 words mentioned on 1901-06-28 were: motion, power, wage, work, principle

The 200 most common words used in parliament on Friday June 28, 1901 were:

Word Frequency
motion 84
power 57
wage 44
work 36
principle 33
conditions 32
contracts 29
great 28
regard 26
Constitution 25
agriculture 25
laws 24
labour 23
desire 23
trade 22
hope 21
word 20
men 19
factory legislation 18
legislation 17
uniform 16
interests 16
workmen 16
paid 16
direction 15
support 15
life 14
subject 14
carried 14
good 14
Federal Parliament 14
Federal 13
deal 13
national 13
connexion 13
production 13
accept 13
action 13
grant 13
rate of wage 13
amount 12
hours of labour 12
trade and commerce 12
free trade 12
factory 11
employers 11
working 11
kind 11
consideration 11
attention 10
order 10
proposed 10
terms 10
find 10
form 10
factories 10
move 10
conditions of labour 10
minimum rate 10
minimum wage 10
rate 9
Victoria 9
notice 9
view 9
attempt 9
man 9
concerned 9
case 9
generally 9
scientific 9
commerce 8
large 8
establishment 8
refer 8
engaged 8
employed 8
favour 8
system 8
simply 8
inserted 8
fact 8
contractor 8
purpose 8
fair 8
intention 8
dealing 8
industrial 8
agricultural 8
producers 8
bureau 8
Department of Agriculture 8
power to deal 8
State Legislatures 8
maximum number 8
Tariff 7
paper 7
Tasmania 7
opinion 7
vast 7
feel 7
reason 7
workers 7
experience 7
trust 7
long 7
depends 7
place 7
hands 7
provided 7
regulations 7
authority 7
face 7
occasion 7
number of hours 7
Constitution Act 7
Federal Government 7
United States 7
uniform Tariff 7
General 6
knowledge 6
duty 6
fixing 6
proper 6
parts 6
proposal 6
idea 6
adopted 6
fixed 6
passed 6
higher 6
established 6
industry 6
America 6
absolutely 6
arguments 6
carry 6
care 6
secure 6
suggested 6
necessity 6
schedule 6
prepared 6
side 6
point 6
boards 6
steps 6
amendments 6
problems 6
exercise 6
consent 6
horses 6
hours and conditions 6
Inter State 6
Northern Melbourne 6
great deal 6
minimum 5
Legislatures 5
laid 5
called 5
reference 5
Public 5
statement 5
persons 5
protection 5
Senate 5
operation 5
length 5
object 5
doubt 5
thought 5
heard 5
living 5
told 5
pay 5
result 5
sneer 5
articles 5
pass 5
understand 5
amended 5
advantage 5
scheme 5
exercised 5
supervision 5
glad 5
speak 5
enable 5
alteration 5
ruling 5
mover 5
submit 5
agreed 5
acquire 5
resolution 5
minds 5
local 5
conciliation 5
arbitration 5
experimental 5
experiment 5

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