Tuesday March 08, 1960 | House of Representatives – Australian Parliament

The top 5 words mentioned on 1960-03-08 were: industry, great, services, development, trade

The 200 most common words used in parliament on Tuesday March 08, 1960 were:

Word Frequency
industry 43
great 36
services 27
development 26
trade 24
Army 21
country 19
number 19
areas 18
Excellency 18
fact 18
industries 17
costs 17
export 17
continue 17
problems 17
overseas 17
rifle clubs 17
rifle 16
agreement 16
policy 16
imports 16
national 16
work 15
high 15
General 14
period 14
programme 14
production 14
legislation 14
address 13
increase 13
good 13
assistance 13
regard 12
received 12
Board 12
defence 12
payments 12
public 12
interest 12
provide 12
wheat 12
ammunition 12
primary 11
continued 11
bring 11
report 11
progress 11
project 11
northern 11
countries 11
place 11
aware 11
South 10
opportunity 10
Majesty 10
letter 10
held 10
conference 10
scheme 10
north 10
employees 10
operation 9
hope 9
informed 9
event 9
terms 9
Commission 9
nations 9
growing 9
order 9
advisers 9
consideration 9
attention 9
action 9
mills 9
country areas 9
primary industries 9
long 8
motion 8
British 8
life 8
record 8
growth 8
standard 8
international 8
asked 8
substantial 8
economy 8
price 8
supply 8
financial 8
concerned 8
greater 8
level 8
establishment 8
details 8
knowledge 8
Japan 8
direction 8
affairs 7
full 7
form 7
Victoria 7
economic 7
water 7
measures 7
decided 7
large 7
support 7
subject 7
steps 7
Council 7
capital 7
business 7
expansion 7
established 7
lands 7
Western 7
fields 7
future 7
statement 7
relation 7
men 7
find 7
mind 7
enable 7
referred 7
cent 7
delay 7
productivity 7
Governor General 7
Mr Menzies 7
beef cattle 7
Session 6
read 6
result 6
appointed 6
charge 6
contribution 6
institution 6
offices 6
presented 6
Queen 6
Royal 6
young 6
pleasure 6
purposes 6
called 6
living 6
equipment 6
operating 6
control 6
Tariff 6
benefits 6
carry 6
markets 6
commercial 6
achievements 6
air 6
operators 6
sums 6
television 6
arrangement 6
increased 6
brought 6
basis 6
engaged 6
desire 6
written 6
amount 6
reasons 6
Limited 6
provided 6
intention 6
licensees 6
thought 6
represent 6
job 6
conditions 6
torpedoes 6
film 6
Excellency the Governor 6
Industrial Research Organization 6
Scientific and Industrial 6
Commonwealth Scientific 6
Country Party 6
Industrial Research 6
Research Organization 6
co operation 6
products 5
Reply 5
parliamentary 5
meeting 5
election 5
greatest 5
honour 5
colleague 5
system 5

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