Thursday July 01, 1937 | House of Representatives – Australian Parliament

The top 5 words mentioned on 1937-07-01 were: service, report, commission, patent, fact

The 200 most common words used in parliament on Thursday July 01, 1937 were:

Word Frequency
service 52
report 45
commission 41
patent 30
fact 28
trade 28
price 24
order 21
view 21
consideration 21
export 20
action 20
number 20
rates 20
measure 20
work 20
Western Australia 20
respect 19
cases 19
statement 18
request 18
overseas 18
charge 18
public 17
connexion 17
subject 17
resolution 17
High Court 17
upon notice 17
law 16
General 16
answers 16
attention 16
pilots 16
medical 15
representative 15
great 15
mails 15
produce 15
evidence 15
patients 15
clubs 14
increase 14
considered 14
paid 14
brought 14
primary 14
butter 13
ton 13
received 13
bring 13
country 13
amount 13
Tasmania 13
agreed 13
age 13
building 13
Acting Prime Minister 13
read a second 13
Acting Prime 13
point 12
proposal 12
regard 12
shipping 12
proposed 12
remarks 12
legislation 12
referred 12
Mr Menzies 12
Chair 11
community 11
countries 11
industry 11
Sydney 11
refer 11
result 11
fruit 11
asked the Minister 11
asked 10
leave 10
concerned 10
applications 10
operation 10
nature 10
reported 10
embargo 10
business 10
offices 10
jurisdiction 10
deal 10
licence 10
commissioners 10
adopted 10
persons 10
Hospital 9
hour 9
motion 9
Melbourne 9
freights 9
benefit 9
session 9
national 9
Council 9
total 9
sitting 9
expenditure 9
Hobart 9
India 9
tobacco 9
Acting Treasurer 9
patent law 9
Primary Produce 9
Court 8
steel 8
existing 8
officer 8
figures 8
demand 8
market 8
difficulty 8
cost 8
prepared 8
good 8
reason 8
financial 8
account 8
aware 8
wheat 8
Association 8
Perth 8
opportunity 8
training 8
understand 8
period 8
support 8
inquire 8
kind 8
advance 8
enable 8
growers 8
bounty 8
bonus 8
apples and pears 8
Question resolved 8
Supplementary Estimates 8
north west 8
Health 7
agreement 7
meet 7
British 7
international 7
occasions 7
local 7
Victoria 7
representations 7
assistance 7
approved 7
wage 7
inquiries 7
determine 7
Adelaide 7
provide 7
stage 7
Attorney 7
full 7
definite 7
press 7
desire 7
farmers 7
propose 7
dealt 7
complete 7
interest 7
contained 7
principle 7
issued 7
sufficient 7
equipment 7
levy 7
enter 7
private 7
grant 7
flying 7
New South Wales 7
30th June 7
Electoral Act 7
New Zealand 7
Public Service 7
pears exported 7
scrap steel 7
South 6
iron 6
duty 6
reference 6
coast 6
chairman 6
imposition 6
supplies 6
prevent 6
Japanese 6

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