Monday April 08, 1974 | House of Representatives – Australian Parliament

The top 5 words mentioned on 1974-04-08 were: Senate, area, order, legislation, cent

The 200 most common words used in parliament on Monday April 08, 1974 were:

Word Frequency
Senate 145
area 137
order 129
legislation 128
cent 121
Bills 119
national 106
companies 98
capital 95
election 90
funds 85
Country Party 82
Western Australia 82
overseas 81
policy 77
interest 76
investment 75
seat 71
fact 71
motion 71
redistribution 68
number 65
measures 63
today 62
control 62
policies 61
situation 61
resources 61
price 60
division 60
report 57
Commissioners 56
proposals 56
great 56
money 55
point of order 55
vote 54
Liberal Party 54
public 53
Australian Industry 53
point 51
place 51
population 51
oil 50
statement 49
electoral 49
Labor Party 49
read 48
action 48
case 47
move 46
Australian Industry Development 46
Industry Development Corporation 46
Development Corporation 46
Industry Development 46
House of Representatives 45
inflation 44
figures 44
decision 44
opportunity 44
respect 43
community 43
proposed 42
side 41
business 40
housing 40
view 39
consideration 39
assistance 39
company 39
major 39
Capital Territory 39
increase 38
stage 38
Australian Capital 38
rate 37
work 37
leave 37
Australian Capital Territory 37
power 36
reason 36
seek 36
purpose 35
foreign 35
General 34
enterprise 34
responsible 34
provide 34
long 34
financial 34
asked 34
occasions 34
Petroleum and Minerals 34
Minerals Authority 34
person 33
mining 33
operation 33
supply 33
refer 32
cost 31
received 31
form 31
making 31
result 31
notice 31
economic 31
Senator 31
set 31
clear 31
National Investment Fund 31
Investment Fund 31
National Investment 31
Standing Orders 31
ownership 30
referred 30
involved 30
elected 30
short 30
future 29
continue 29
terms 29
amount 29
objections 29
majority 29
parliamentary 29
Grants 29
private 28
ensure 28
period 28
force 28
full 28
regard 28
Queensland 28
field 28
delay 28
Petroleum 27
problem 27
circumstances 27
held 27
opposed 27
allowed 27
stand 27
small 27
Development Corporation Bill 27
Corporation Bill 27
Brisbane 26
issue 26
answer 26
earlier 26
introduced 26
doubt 26
withdraw 26
find 26
brought 26
quota 26
loans 26
Appropriation Bills 26
completely 25
heard 25
boundaries 25
share 25
New South Wales 25
system 24
expenditure 24
prepared 24
subject 24
attitude 24
support 24
pass 24
passed 24
deal 24
man 24
variation 24
participation 24
land 24
Investment Fund Bill 24
pieces of legislation 24
Fund Bill 24
principle 23
nation 23
confidence 23
mentioned 23
Kalgoorlie 23
Labor Government 23
Airport 22
previous 22
market 22
bring 22
Treasurer 22
considered 22
change 22
reject 22
equity 22
electors 21
social 21
times 21
responsibility 21
program 21
basis 21

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