Wednesday March 29, 1972 | House of Representatives – Australian Parliament

The top 5 words mentioned on 1972-03-29 were: service, honey, industry, Public Service, Post Office

The 200 most common words used in parliament on Wednesday March 29, 1972 were:

Word Frequency
service 167
honey 159
industry 147
Public Service 147
Post Office 130
public 127
Commissioner 102
teachers 100
officer 100
producers 98
road 85
authority 79
apiarists 76
point 75
House of Representatives 75
fact 74
work 73
Representatives in Parliament 73
Parliament assembled 73
Postmaster General 73
leave 70
Honey Board 68
General s Department 65
closing of Post 64
standards of service 64
order 63
person 63
school 63
organisation 61
Public Service Board 60
Service Board 60
consideration 53
Northern Territory 53
Australian Honey 51
relation 50
wool 48
appeal 48
legislation 47
number 47
statement 46
petition 45
proposed 45
country 45
answer 44
Board 43
vote 43
hives 43
view 42
price 42
respect 42
provisions 42
teaching service 42
represent 41
export 40
case 40
Petition received 40
following petition 40
concerned 39
referred 39
bound will ever 39
ever pray Petition 39
pray Petition received 39
Capital Territory 39
ever pray 39
pray Petition 39
good 38
Chairman 38
Australian Capital Territory 38
Australian Capital 38
duty bound 38
humbly pray 38
respectfully showeth 38
situation 37
kind 37
national development 37
Australian Honey Board 36
received I present 36
power 35
development 34
read 34
system 34
understand 34
decision 34
promotion 34
assembled The humble 34
petitioners most humbly 34
humble petition 34
undersigned citizens 34
Offices 33
scheme 33
reason 33
period 33
conditions 33
entitled 33
Australia respectfully showeth 33
New South Wales 33
Australia respectfully 33
subsidised 32
place 32
move 32
beekeepers 32
Area Mail Centres 32
Area Management Area 32
Area Parcel Centres 32
Central Office policy 32
Centres Area Parcel 32
Centres and similar 32
Department Central Office 32
Department to assess 32
Initiate a joint 32
Mail Centres Area 32
Management Area Mail 32
Office until full 32
Offices and reorganising 32
Parliament and Initiate 32
Post Office affairs 32
assembled will take 32
assess the degree 32
centralising Post Office 32
charged more correctly 32
correctly to national 32
details of alteration 32
extent its unprofitable 32
interest Your petitioners 32
joint Parliamentary inquiry 32
loss of service 32
normal business undertaking 32
policy of centralising 32
public directly resulting 32
public service charged 32
service and lowering 32
steps to Call 32
take immediate steps 32
titles is resulting 32
titles of Area 32
within the Post 32
Area Mail 32
Area Management 32
Area Parcel 32
Central Office 32
Centres Area 32
Department Central 32
Mail Centres 32
Management Area 32
Office affairs 32
Office policy 32
Parcel Centres 32
Parliamentary inquiry 32
business undertaking 32
centralising Post 32
directly resulting 32
full details 32
immediate steps 32
joint Parliamentary 32
normal business 32
proposed savings 32
public directly 32
public interest 32
reorganising within 32
service charged 32
similar titles 32
unprofitable activities 32
various titles 32
teaching 31
detrimental 31
terms 31
problems 31
proposal 31
raised 31
argument 31
Call a halt 31
affairs and activities 31
public are made 31
cent 30
report 30
money 30
regard 30
citizens of Australia 30
social 29
rate 29
type 29
Commission 29
cost 29
group 29
South Australia 29
apply 28
approval 28
regulations 28
packers 28
operation 27
growers 27
subject 27
mentioned 27
hope 27
point of order 27
figures 26
Education and Science 26
great 25
control 25
travel 25

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