Tuesday May 04, 1965 | House of Representatives – Australian Parliament

The top 5 words mentioned on 1965-05-04 were: South Vietnam, North, statement, United States, war

The 200 most common words used in parliament on Tuesday May 04, 1965 were:

Word Frequency
South Vietnam 73
North 64
statement 55
United States 51
war 48
aggression 45
forces 44
Vietnam 42
support 41
nation 41
China 36
military 36
decision 35
situation 35
action 35
fact 35
Communist 33
country 33
order 30
report 30
service 28
today 28
men 28
great 25
weapons 25
area 24
answer 24
case 23
American 22
number 22
view 21
North Vietnam 21
America 20
read 20
terms 20
battalion 20
defence 19
good 19
countries 19
side 19
Communism 19
international 19
aware 18
policy 18
things 18
document 18
troops 17
evidence 17
Vietcong 17
threat 17
stated 16
request 16
security 16
fight 16
fighting 16
member for Yarra 16
South East 16
United Nations 16
South 15
concerned 15
programme 15
total 15
Chinese 15
place 15
captured 15
South East Asia 15
East Asia 15
External Affairs 15
building 14
nature 14
doubt 14
thought 14
discussions 14
work 14
prepared 14
relation 14
true 14
respect 14
negotiations 14
States of America 14
Labour Party 14
upon notice 14
long 13
economic 13
involved 13
commitments 13
afternoon 13
reasons 13
sending 13
kind 13
Minister for External 13
figures 12
ground 12
West 12
problem 12
Malaysia 12
call 12
interests 12
clear 12
peace 12
circumstances 12
Government s decision 12
asked 11
Public 11
point 11
Army 11
increased 11
national 11
understand 11
moment 11
refer 11
negotiate 11
committed 11
making 11
assistance 11
times 11
power 11
subversion 11
population 11
political 11
stand 11
New Guinea 11
President 10
decided 10
developments 10
living 10
referred 10
supplies 10
responsibility 10
hope 10
station 10
spoke 10
told 10
level 10
talk 10
happening 10
television 10
small 10
corrupt 10
happened 10
supported 10
deal 9
company 9
received 9
General 9
Victoria 9
result 9
details 9
supply 9
mind 9
exist 9
completely 9
aircraft 9
letters 9
wheat 9
shipping 9
find 9
visit 9
space 9
conditions 9
record 9
paper 9
Northern 9
lack 9
turn 9
voice 9
Australian troops 9
issue 8
representatives 8
occasion 8
offer 8
provide 8
proposal 8
correct 8
propose 8
efforts 8
charge 8
heard 8
Peking 8
Union 8
brought 8
foreign 8
aid 8
opinion 8
field 8
continue 8
merits 8
complaints 8
revolutionary 8
make a statement 8
point of order 8
President Johnson 8
Public Service 8
United Kingdom 8
Industry 7
expression 7
companies 7
cent 7
reported 7
reply 7

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