Tuesday October 04, 1960 | House of Representatives – Australian Parliament

The top 5 words mentioned on 1960-10-04 were: New Guinea, native, Territory, work, service

The 200 most common words used in parliament on Tuesday October 04, 1960 were:

Word Frequency
New Guinea 161
native 129
Territory 89
work 80
service 79
benefits 74
Administration 69
persons 69
drugs 67
great 66
Council 60
Papua and New 56
case 54
general 50
cost 49
patient 48
number 46
receive 44
point 43
cancer 43
fact 42
pension 39
report 39
pensioner 38
list 38
future 38
country 38
opinion 38
statement 38
money 38
optometrists 38
prescription 37
charge 36
order 36
mental 35
problems 35
children 35
set 35
land 34
National 33
community 33
things 32
pay 32
doctors 32
treatment 32
native people 32
health 31
labour 31
Estimates 31
hospitals 30
regard 30
social 29
long 29
development 29
policy 29
United Nations 29
free 28
pharmaceutical benefits 28
public 27
place 27
war 27
good 27
respect 27
paid 27
scheme 26
find 26
decisions 25
subject 25
referred 25
rate 25
provide 25
refer 25
responsibility 25
education 25
Social Services 25
form 24
organizations 24
conditions 24
proposals 24
national health 24
age 23
5s 23
stage 23
greater 23
high 23
increase 23
view 23
realize 23
Europeans 23
remarks 23
reason 23
Dutch 23
amount 22
suggestion 22
mind 21
provided 21
population 21
area 21
officers 21
received 21
man 21
district 21
claim 21
white 21
expenditure 20
exchange 20
interests 20
asked 20
examination 20
payment 20
institutions 20
school 20
system 19
propose 19
life 19
call 19
type 19
eye 19
political 19
relation 19
change 19
disease 19
established 19
standard 19
funds 19
Administrator 19
deal 18
result 18
legislation 18
difference 18
power 18
completely 18
prepared 18
association 18
attitude 18
dental 18
United Kingdom 18
making 17
period 17
small 17
independence 17
ward 17
instances 17
wages 17
member for East 17
East Sydney 17
means test 17
mental hospitals 17
Territories 16
action 16
understand 16
stated 16
telephone 16
feel 16
continue 16
control 16
receiving 16
direct 16
advice 16
prescribed 16
modern 16
tablets 16
side 16
tuberculosis 16
allowance 16
widow 16
child 16
lot 16
ophthalmologist 16
colonial 16
Territory of Papua 16
Trusteeship Council 16
interested 15
kind 15
law 15
programme 15
earlier 15
agreement 15
hope 15
raised 15
medicine 15
appointed 15
financial 15
economic 15
real 15
dentists 15
recommendations 14
purpose 14
trade 14
operation 14
required 14
total 14
attention 14
unfortunate 14
class 14
working 14
peoples 14
village 14
co operatives 14
medical benefit 14

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