Wednesday October 03, 1956 | House of Representatives – Australian Parliament

The top 5 words mentioned on 1956-10-03 were: transport, trade, roads, railways, cent

The 200 most common words used in parliament on Wednesday October 03, 1956 were:

Word Frequency
transport 94
trade 87
roads 83
railways 82
cent 68
goods 66
problem 64
cost 53
country 52
order 47
import 43
export 42
great 41
rate 40
pension 35
Territories 33
money 33
overseas 33
work 33
services 32
point 32
business 32
countries 32
profit 31
increased 31
control 31
markets 31
industry 30
figures 30
fact 30
import licensing 30
administration 29
charge 29
national 28
social services 28
community 27
licences 24
primary 24
tax 24
increase 24
policy 24
expenditure 23
power 23
situation 23
find 23
Commonwealth Railways 23
remarks 22
paid 22
statement 21
long 21
development 21
items 21
wage 20
pay 20
capital 20
place 20
Northern Territory 20
system 19
trading 19
public 19
report 19
officers 19
Suez Canal 19
methods 18
refer 18
subsidy 18
economy 18
person 18
Melbourne 18
activities 18
benefits 17
reason 17
number 17
side 17
income 17
spent 17
funds 17
economic 17
6d 17
things 17
ship 17
United States 17
ton 16
view 16
direct 16
relation 16
responsibility 16
buy 16
prices 16
Department of Trade 16
deal 15
Board 15
amount 15
asked 15
result 15
revenue 15
Estimates 15
Constitution 15
agreement 15
essential 15
concerned 15
scheme 15
circumstances 15
means test 15
restrictions 14
trafficking 14
production 14
mile 14
superphosphate 14
respect 14
operation 14
pensioners 14
regard 14
period 14
Minister for Trade 14
States of America 14
South Australian 14
rail 13
standard 13
Canberra 13
spend 13
field 13
purpose 13
organizations 13
answer 13
dealing 13
discussion 13
affairs 13
clear 13
future 13
decision 13
commercial 13
Department of Territories 13
Transport Advisory Council 13
Advisory Council 13
Transport Advisory 13
import licences 13
road transport 13
industries 12
age 12
times 12
thinking 12
freights 12
general 12
meeting 12
federal 12
brought 12
living 12
high 12
case 12
products 12
representatives 12
Australian Transport Advisory 12
Shipping and Transport 12
Australian Transport 12
Territory 11
gauge 11
life 11
earlier 11
interested 11
Commission 11
approach 11
man 11
provide 11
conditions 11
raised 11
subject 11
provided 11
earnings 11
opportunity 11
quota 11
prepared 11
Order The honorable 11
United Kingdom 11
import restrictions 11
transport system 11
form 10
financial 10
interest 10
attention 10
Company 10
return 10
balance 10
realize 10
carried 10
departments 10
considerable 10
increasing 10
received 10
nation 10
contribute 10
imposed 10
introduced 10
group 10
heard 10
additional 10
produced 10
role 10
assistance 10
connexion 10

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