Friday February 29, 1952 | House of Representatives – Australian Parliament

The top 5 words mentioned on 1952-02-29 were: order, fact, United States, States of America, defence

The 200 most common words used in parliament on Friday February 29, 1952 were:

Word Frequency
order 35
fact 35
United States 34
States of America 33
defence 32
nation 30
statement 26
service 23
Manus Island 23
country 22
base 22
war 21
view 20
Pacific 19
point 18
article 17
obligations 17
person 16
decision 16
Japan 16
External Affairs 16
pact 15
asked 15
forces 15
documents 15
official 15
broadcasting 14
purpose 14
licences 14
charge 14
request 13
treaty 13
Americans 13
territory 13
place 12
great 12
prepared 12
conference 12
Minister for External 12
national 11
power 11
referred 11
public 11
support 11
attitude 11
deny 11
United Nations 11
Labour 10
action 10
area 10
men 10
regard 10
Commerce and Agriculture 10
Affairs 9
stations 9
report 9
assist 9
answers 9
considered 9
policy 9
continue 9
profits 9
proposed 9
measure 9
British Commonwealth 9
Labour party 9
ex servicemen 9
reply 8
land 8
included 8
benefits 8
issue 8
true 8
interests 8
sitting 8
case 8
respect 8
goods 8
thought 8
authority 8
agreement 8
mind 8
motion 8
evidence 8
doubt 8
stage 8
files 8
published 8
servile 8
Minister for Commerce 8
inform the House 8
member for East 8
Commonwealth Bank 8
East Sydney 8
Western 7
opportunity 7
interjections 7
future 7
parliamentary 7
mentioned 7
provide 7
circumstances 7
relation 7
connexion 7
based 7
reason 7
districts 7
find 7
concerned 7
deal 7
discuss 7
periods 7
understand 7
financial 7
distribution 7
making 7
opinion 7
hand 7
newspaper 7
rise 7
attention 7
basis 7
suggested 7
payment 7
common 7
attack 7
established 7
work 7
live 7
Korea 7
St George 7
Western Australia 7
bean seed 7
last night 7
left 6
industry 6
scheme 6
foreign 6
representatives 6
pensioners 6
granted 6
increased 6
General 6
hold 6
maintain 6
amount 6
paid 6
Treasurer 6
enable 6
materials 6
continued 6
operation 6
Supply 6
plant 6
food 6
source 6
proof 6
held 6
wool 6
full 6
growers 6
wrong 6
completely 6
repeat 6
quorum 6
truth 6
hour 6
cylinders 6
Trade and Customs 6
member for Eden 6
member for Fremantle 6
Australian Broadcasting 6
Eden Monaro 6
Glen Davis 6
commission 5
control 5
production 5
political 5
side 5
chair 5
Board 5
reduced 5
rate 5
appointed 5
Administration 5
concession 5
application 5
complete 5
facilities 5
departments 5
colleagues 5
officers 5
suggestion 5
duty 5
direct 5
free 5
details 5
advantage 5
kind 5
address 5

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