Friday July 13, 1951 | House of Representatives – Australian Parliament

The top 5 words mentioned on 1951-07-13 were: order, Cabinet, work, services, increase

The 200 most common words used in parliament on Friday July 13, 1951 were:

Word Frequency
order 50
Cabinet 44
work 37
services 34
increase 32
measure 31
fact 27
defence 27
treaty 26
war 25
great 20
country 20
United States 19
cost 18
responsibility 18
Japan 18
number 17
general 17
respect 16
security 16
statement 14
regard 14
deal 14
leave 14
area 14
view 14
period 14
Pacific 14
departments 14
public 13
read 13
occasion 13
duties 13
court 13
New South Wales 13
number of Ministers 13
powers 12
wool 12
countries 12
price 12
point 12
interests 12
national 12
peace 12
orders or awards 12
payment 11
attention 11
result 11
member for Melbourne 11
Cabinet Ministers 11
twentieth Minister 11
representatives 10
consideration 10
agreed 10
meet 10
good 10
asked 10
answers 10
additional 10
referred 10
proposal 10
side 10
agreement 10
case 10
amount 10
Japanese 10
appointment 10
Army 10
Ministry 10
paid 10
allocation 10
public relations officers 10
public relations 10
relations officers 10
nineteen 9
grant 9
increased 9
including 9
making 9
territories 9
wheat 9
understand 9
hope 9
parties 9
Navy 9
parliamentary 9
committees 9
law 9
member for Warringah 9
New Zealand 9
proposed 8
purposes 8
Supply 8
operation 8
conference 8
clear 8
issue 8
cent 8
raised 8
regulation 8
action 8
legislation 8
establishment 8
receive 8
pay 8
experience 8
addition 8
provide 8
administration 8
reason 8
affirmative 8
report 8
adopted 8
meeting 8
States of America 8
special 7
continue 7
essential 7
problem 7
subject 7
reply 7
military 7
Treasurer 7
twenty 7
arrangements 7
Council 7
forces 7
land 7
terms 7
concerned 7
conclusion 7
British 7
obligation 7
doubt 7
heavy 7
opportunity 7
amendments 7
PostmasterGeneral 7
postal 7
portfolios 7
trend 7
Cabinet fund 7
Mr Menzies 7
roads 6
system 6
scheme 6
degree 6
suggestion 6
supplies 6
dealt 6
fully 6
difficulty 6
submit 6
hospitals 6
private 6
production 6
inflation 6
joint 6
Labour 6
refer 6
increasing 6
Repatriation 6
settlement 6
compensation 6
basis 6
article 6
greater 6
serve 6
Canada 6
party 6
intends 6
proceeds 6
find 6
move 6
man 6
reported 6
men 6
true 6
job 6
Victoria 6
Tasmania 6
troubles 6
sitting 6
Motion by Mr 6
member for Angas 6
Industry Act 6
Public Service 6
Question resolved 6
United Kingdom 6
draft treaty 6
awards 5
functions 5
pensions 5
direct 5
channels 5
materials 5
economic 5
mind 5
acting 5
medical 5

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