Wednesday July 04, 1951 | House of Representatives – Australian Parliament

The top 5 words mentioned on 1951-07-04 were: trade union, ballot, Communists, court, industrial

The 200 most common words used in parliament on Wednesday July 04, 1951 were:

Word Frequency
trade union 219
ballot 115
Communists 115
court 112
industrial 97
organization 96
order 91
measure 78
country 76
men 74
work 72
union movement 72
trade union movement 71
legislation 67
secret ballot 67
arbitration 66
election 60
power 60
union 55
employers 54
number 48
officers 46
fact 46
pensioners 46
awards 44
vote 44
control 43
statement 43
point 43
great 42
strike 40
view 40
place 40
rules 40
Australian Workers 40
purpose 39
prices 39
provide 39
Australian Workers Union 39
Workers Union 39
case 38
industry 37
action 36
persons 36
result 34
provisions 34
meeting 33
conduct 33
trade unionists 33
officials 32
side 32
respect 32
unionists 30
production 30
conciliation 29
interests 29
proposals 29
hands 28
opportunity 28
man 27
decision 27
conditions 27
good 27
list 27
increase 27
member for Bendigo 27
system 26
community 26
force 26
provided 26
branch 26
cost 25
asked 25
held 25
period 25
reason 25
paid 25
amount 25
Industrial Registrar 25
job 24
working 24
ballot papers 24
relation 23
increased 23
salary 23
conducted 23
coal 22
pay 22
concerned 22
hear 22
kind 22
scheme 22
war service 22
free 21
doctors 21
employees 21
affairs 21
request 21
records 21
application 21
Arbitration Court 21
arbitration system 21
law 20
received 20
find 20
charge 20
stated 20
introduced 20
Commonwealth Arbitration Court 20
war service homes 20
Commonwealth Arbitration 20
trade unionism 20
Labour party 20
service homes 20
medical 19
instances 19
attention 19
ensure 19
financial 19
membership 19
rank and file 19
Conciliation and Arbitration 19
read 18
industries 18
receive 18
answer 18
address 18
return 18
opinion 18
problem 18
prevent 18
circumstances 18
mind 18
told 18
connexion 17
experience 17
issue 17
benefit 17
difficult 17
cent 17
operation 17
conciliation commissioners 17
Registrar 16
general 16
long 16
proposed 16
full 16
Melbourne 16
making 16
direct 16
rate 16
enable 16
advertising 16
majority 16
Order The honorable 16
dispute 15
consideration 15
support 15
brought 15
represent 15
occur 15
representatives 14
desire 14
referred 14
regard 14
political 14
entitled 14
British 14
division 14
hour 14
oil 14
objection 14
apply 14
injunction 14
communism 14
elected 14
attempt 14
right to strike 14
medical profession 14
industrial dispute 14
Waterside Workers 14
party 13
including 13
complete 13
directed 13
group 13
medicine 13
prepared 13
countries 13
reply 13
immigrants 13
complaints 13
report 13
training 13
small 13
fine 13
doubt 13
machinery 13
designed 13
remarks 13

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