Wednesday June 21, 1950 | House of Representatives – Australian Parliament

The top 5 words mentioned on 1950-06-21 were: Contributory Charge, prices, order, amount, fact

The 200 most common words used in parliament on Wednesday June 21, 1950 were:

Word Frequency
Contributory Charge 61
prices 57
order 55
amount 55
fact 52
legislation 52
Wool Contributory Charge 51
Wool Contributory 51
increase 44
services 42
resolution 42
Labour Government 42
payment 41
measure 41
control 39
country 39
Senate 39
rate 38
subject 38
dollar 38
power 37
conditions 37
problem 37
view 36
cent 36
percentage 36
statement 35
general 33
basic wage 33
wage 29
number 28
period 28
respect 28
economic 28
United Kingdom 28
plan 27
war 27
read a second 27
persons 26
consideration 26
propose 26
national 26
scheme 26
reason 26
paid 26
benefit 26
paragraph 26
Contributory Charge Act 26
Charge Act 26
endowment 25
good 25
countries 25
passed 24
proposed 24
Fund 24
case 24
purposes 24
motion by Mr 24
British 23
cost 23
great 23
decision 23
prescribed 23
men 23
full 23
action 23
Labour party 23
law 22
provided 22
community 22
wheat 22
reserves 22
Burma 22
first child 22
point 21
agreed 21
public 21
operation 21
pay 21
asked 21
policy 21
cost of living 21
Charge Assessment 21
place 20
additional 20
work 20
increased 20
relation 20
receive 20
pensions 20
situation 20
Contributory Charge Assessment 20
member for East 20
East Sydney 20
Question resolved 20
Board 19
supply 19
result 19
employees 19
Charge Assessment Act 19
Assessment Act 19
British Commonwealth 19
introduced 18
meet 18
economy 18
agreement 18
regard 18
Communist 18
production 18
financial 18
New South Wales 18
vide page 18
coal 17
reported 17
reply 17
free 17
Bill read 17
social services 17
Union 16
received 16
held 16
discussions 16
nation 16
regulations 16
deal 15
interests 15
hope 15
Chairman 15
purchase 15
materials 15
provisions 15
capital 15
withdraw 15
5s a week 15
page on motion 15
Chair 14
answer 14
detail 14
working 14
provide 14
mentioned 14
bring 14
requirements 14
grant 14
move 14
children 14
demands 14
greater 14
affirmative Bill read 14
coal mining industry 14
Debate resumed 14
affirmative Bill 14
coal mining 14
mining industry 14
industry 13
required 13
air 13
raised 13
form 13
continue 13
trade 13
duty 13
pensioners 13
rise 13
opinion 13
Treasurer 13
caused 13
award 13
promise 13
remain 13
opportunity 13
factors 13
industries 13
member for Melbourne 13
child endowment 13
coal miners 13
Labour 12
Broadcasting 12
report 12
experience 12
attitude 12
set 12
conference 12
refer 12
immigration 12
figures 12
including 12
basis 12
expressed 12
covered 12
proposal 12
difficulties 12
generally 12
money 12
employment 12
left 12
imports 12
sale value 12
area 11
commercial 11

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