Thursday November 25, 1948 | House of Representatives – Australian Parliament

The top 5 words mentioned on 1948-11-25 were: broadcast, board, station, service, power

The 200 most common words used in parliament on Thursday November 25, 1948 were:

Word Frequency
broadcast 184
board 127
station 110
service 106
power 85
political 83
subject 75
order 71
legislation 71
church 71
British 69
person 67
broadcasting 65
country 65
report 57
law 57
Australian Broadcasting 57
read 52
broadcasting stations 52
period 50
religious 49
statement 49
Australian Broadcasting Commission 48
Broadcasting Commission 48
control 47
public 46
view 44
communism 44
great 43
Performing Right 42
point 41
fact 41
dramatization 40
British subject 40
religious services 39
proposed new 36
religious nature 36
Australasian Performing 35
United Kingdom 35
work 34
conference 34
prevent 34
purpose 34
opinion 34
deal 34
good 33
party 32
air 32
measure 32
Performing Right Association 32
Henry Austral 32
Right Association 32
respect 31
Australasian Performing Right 31
fees 30
consideration 30
amount 30
kind 30
voices 30
John Henry Austral 30
John Henry 30
commercial broadcasting stations 29
commercial broadcasting 29
ensure 28
sessions 28
company 28
Mr Calwell 28
play 27
Liberal party 27
citizens 26
criticism 26
election 26
representatives 25
countries 25
action 25
production 25
reason 25
dominions 25
minister of religion 25
desire 24
refer 24
passed 24
continue 24
principle 24
moral 24
provisions 24
Labour party 24
religious broadcasts 24
hear 23
reference 23
result 23
proposes 23
radio 23
licensee 23
British Commonwealth 23
citizenship 22
accept 22
full 22
programmes 22
pulpit 22
entitled 22
form 22
paragraph 22
divine worship 22
national 21
set 21
interests 21
making 21
policy 21
side 20
recommendations 20
Canada 20
remarks 20
authority 20
held 20
fair 20
Information Mr Calwell 20
Acting Leader 20
board shall 20
politics 19
Chair 19
employees 19
issues 19
money 19
asked 19
thought 19
principal act 19
General 18
nationality 18
organization 18
attention 18
regard 18
charge 18
referred 18
occasion 18
Sydney 18
Melbourne 18
churches 18
relating 18
relation 18
copyright 18
residence 18
nature is broadcast 18
proposed new section 18
Australian citizenship 18
Great Britain 18
Pleasant Sunday 18
times 17
man 17
prevented 17
provided 17
directions 17
direct 17
pay 17
exercise 17
freedom 17
propaganda 17
system 17
Postmaster General 17
section 6k 17
activities 16
proposal 16
concerned 16
discussed 16
place 16
long 16
industry 16
free 16
doubt 16
war 16
parties 16
attack 16
definition 16
subsection 16
claim 16
decision 16
member for Richmond 16
British Empire 16
Irish citizens 16
preachers 15
understand 15
discussion 15
problem 15
find 15
speak 15
introduced 15
Ireland 15
Pleasant Sunday Afternoon 15
new section 6k 15
Roman Catholic 15
Sunday Afternoon 15
commercial stations 15
books 14
Nations 14
night 14
licence 14
Tumut 14
decided 14
stated 14

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