Wednesday October 02, 1935 | House of Representatives – Australian Parliament

The top 5 words mentioned on 1935-10-02 were: company, pensions, Broken Hill, Company Limited, Broken Hill Proprietary

The 200 most common words used in parliament on Wednesday October 02, 1935 were:

Word Frequency
company 199
pensions 130
Broken Hill 77
Company Limited 76
Broken Hill Proprietary 73
Hill Proprietary Company 73
Proprietary Company Limited 73
Hill Proprietary 73
Proprietary Company 73
pensioners 68
country 57
old age 54
industry 45
amount 43
reductions 43
increase 42
works 39
public 36
fact 36
restoration 35
allowance 35
community 35
tariff 34
policy 34
statement 34
view 34
Labour party 34
conditions 33
invalid and old 32
production 31
interests 31
order 31
proposals 31
services 31
cost 30
result 30
employment 30
consideration 29
power 29
paid 29
industries 27
oil 26
received 26
companies 26
promise 26
old age pensions 26
age pensions 26
Labour 25
party 25
regard 25
purpose 25
operation 25
point 25
products 25
great 25
motion 25
claim 25
iron and steel 25
support 24
shares 24
provide 24
proposed 24
place 24
overseas 24
benefit 23
coal 22
tax 21
subject 21
case 21
money 21
salaries 21
old age pensioners 21
age pensioners 21
payment 20
capital 20
measure 20
Assistant Treasurer 20
restored 19
duty 19
opportunity 19
plant 19
hands 19
high 19
expenditure 19
reduced 19
charge 19
action 19
property 19
New South Wales 19
financial 18
General 18
prepared 18
tons 18
men 18
number 18
income 18
legislation 17
Newcastle 17
efficiency 17
persons 17
large 17
protection 17
price 17
increased 17
introduced 17
cost of living 17
full 16
asked 16
desire 16
hold 16
entitled 16
shareholders 16
ship 16
political 16
supporters 16
Mr Lyons 16
agreed 15
making 15
figures 15
profits 15
appointment 15
additional 15
sections 15
machine 15
circumstances 15
live 15
cut 15
member for West 15
West Sydney 15
financial emergency 15
control 14
addition 14
economic 14
development 14
definite 14
provided 14
national 14
enable 14
revenue 14
taxes 14
relatives 13
opinion 13
report 13
firm 13
required 13
business 13
inquiry 13
war 13
prevent 13
monopoly 13
jubilee 13
life 13
pay 13
remarks 13
pounds 13
meeting 13
Melbourne 13
wages 13
understand 13
Customs 13
wealthy 13
side 13
budget 13
Sydney Mr 13
public servants 13
steel industry 13
iron 12
trust 12
representatives 12
steps 12
funds 12
occasion 12
process 12
progress 12
London 12
railways 12
long 12
attitude 12
brought 12
cent 12
institutions 12
trade 12
doubt 12
passed 12
law 12
emergency legislation 12
steel works 12
Defence 11
read 11
bring 11
period 11
organization 11
directors 11
sum 11
special 11
advantage 11
market 11
terms 11
kind 11
extent 11

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