Thursday November 29, 1934 | House of Representatives – Australian Parliament

The top 5 words mentioned on 1934-11-29 were: work, country, employment, policy, money

The 200 most common words used in parliament on Thursday November 29, 1934 were:

Word Frequency
work 91
country 59
employment 58
policy 47
money 47
unemployment 46
problem 46
industry 46
pensions 45
Estimates 41
men 40
wool 40
amount 38
price 37
expenditure 36
great 35
order 35
consideration 35
report 34
hope 34
proposed 33
pensioners 33
view 32
opportunity 32
financial 32
case 31
proposals 30
subject 29
conditions 29
number 28
motion 28
production 27
regard 27
fact 26
cost 26
industrial 26
tax 25
deal 25
desire 25
good 25
areas 25
respect 24
medical 24
place 23
control 23
claims 23
economic 23
asked 22
business 22
public 22
credit 22
gold 21
relief 21
reason 21
trade 21
meet 21
man 21
pay 21
cent 21
statement 20
answer 20
officers 20
action 20
methods 20
increase 20
side 20
land 19
figures 19
unemployed 19
attention 19
treatment 19
discussion 19
large 18
General 18
persons 18
existing 18
community 18
Queensland 18
prepared 18
provided 18
result 18
provide 18
promise 18
sections 18
member for Parramatta 18
party 17
bring 17
full 17
legislation 17
point 17
export 17
considered 17
Cabinet 17
prosperity 17
assistance 17
support 17
fields 17
system 16
connexion 16
making 16
districts 16
long 16
living 16
high 16
reduced 16
vote 16
depression 16
application 16
total 16
Labour 15
railway 15
paid 15
hour 15
greatest 15
difficulties 15
allowed 15
taxation 15
power 14
notice 14
discuss 14
dealing 14
purpose 14
definite 14
payment 14
building 14
real 14
suggestion 14
countries 14
big 14
interests 14
coal 14
old age 14
election 13
representatives 13
opinion 13
realize 13
object 13
Customs 13
working 13
Parliamentary 13
scheme 13
relating 13
understand 13
continue 13
increased 13
life 13
monetary 13
markets 13
stud 13
war service 13
invalid pensions 13
industries 12
Board 12
Commissioner 12
brought 12
Christmas 12
carried 12
held 12
investigation 12
period 12
Victoria 12
receive 12
responsibility 12
form 12
difficulty 12
allowance 12
moved 12
feel 12
situation 12
circumstances 12
Scullin 12
sufficient 12
find 12
thousands 12
confidence 12
reasonable 12
applicants 12
war service homes 12
Mr Stewart 12
Parramatta Mr 12
rural rehabilitation 12
service homes 12
urgent 11
Interior 11
details 11
unable 11
progress 11
discussed 11
referred 11
assist 11
arrangement 11
accommodation 11
mind 11
rate 11
fully 11
restored 11
youth 11
debt 11
factor 11
growers 11

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