Wednesday November 16, 1932 | House of Representatives – Australian Parliament

The top 5 words mentioned on 1932-11-16 were: article, agreement, bananas, Tariff Board, Tariff

The 200 most common words used in parliament on Wednesday November 16, 1932 were:

Word Frequency
article 196
agreement 157
bananas 100
Tariff Board 99
Tariff 88
United Kingdom 60
country 58
industry 54
industries 53
order 52
duties 49
British 47
goods 45
policy 42
facts 42
Fiji 38
protection 37
consideration 37
cent 37
Great Britain 35
report 34
subject 34
concessions 34
market 33
products 33
statement 32
production 31
motion 31
primary producers 31
Queensland 30
schedule 29
competition 29
trade 28
asked 28
duty 27
recommendation 26
power 26
regard 26
opinion 26
cases 26
Majesty s Government 26
New South Wales 25
white 24
action 24
cost 24
evidence 24
imposed 24
conditions 24
items 23
party 22
opportunity 22
preference 22
Chair 22
remark 22
support 22
discussion 22
principle 22
increase 22
manufacturers 21
agreed 21
hands 21
centals 21
Board 20
Ottawa 20
withdraw 20
view 20
making 20
reduction 20
interests 20
PostmasterGeneral 20
rate 20
banana growers 20
difference 19
respect 19
Surely 19
affirmative 19
advantage 19
Question so resolved 19
Postmaster General 19
secondary industries 19
Great 18
representatives 18
hope 18
Canada 18
stand 18
established 18
AYES NOES Question 18
Majority AYES NOES 18
member for Capricornia 18
Majority AYES 18
NOES Question 18
growers 17
provisions 17
proposal 17
proposed 17
inquiry 17
measure 17
result 17
place 17
accept 16
reduce 16
stated 16
reason 16
desire 16
body 16
price 16
export 16
business 16
Australian industries 16
British manufacturers 16
producers 15
pensions 15
Fijian 15
read 15
workers 15
deal 15
high 15
benefit 15
prepared 15
basis 15
employment 15
Empire 15
economic 15
Australian manufacturers 15
Fiji bananas 15
second reading 15
stage 14
reference 14
meaning 14
interpretation 14
decision 14
limited 14
side 14
terms 14
move 14
enable 14
amount 14
entitled 14
bound 14
British Government 14
Ottawa agreement 14
select committee 14
Melbourne 13
full 13
set 13
delegation 13
purposes 13
financial 13
represent 13
imports 13
rights 13
circumstances 13
grown 13
Standing Orders 13
black labour 13
reasonable 12
reduced 12
long 12
low 12
proper 12
overseas 12
revenue 12
fruit 12
doubt 12
period 12
operation 12
wage 12
prevent 12
Australian market 12
Country party 12
Mr Scullin 12
committee divided 12
fiscal policy 12
undertake 11
Parkhill 11
considered 11
carried 11
favour 11
number 11
suspended 11
dominions 11
negotiations 11
burden 11
large 11
manufacture 11
butter 11
engaged 11
prohibition 11
paid 11
finances 11
land 11
moved 11
Minister for Trade 11
Opposition Mr Scullin 11
Trade and Customs 11
committee divided Chairman 11
Australia undertake 11
Canadian agreement 11

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