Friday July 04, 1930 | House of Representatives – Australian Parliament

The top 5 words mentioned on 1930-07-04 were: court, law, disputes, international, Nations

The 200 most common words used in parliament on Friday July 04, 1930 were:

Word Frequency
court 153
law 88
disputes 67
international 65
Nations 45
taxation 43
cases 41
Article 41
income 35
subject 35
treaty 35
States of America 35
United States 35
jurisdiction 34
Protocol 32
international law 32
Senate 31
Statute 30
judges 30
British 29
interest 28
Court of International 28
International Justice 28
companies 27
amount 26
power 26
cent 26
Permanent Court 26
decision 24
reservations 24
general 23
motion 23
principle 23
declaration 23
Council 23
regard 22
order 22
referred 22
war 21
peace 21
ratification 21
League of Nations 21
optional clause 21
representatives 20
number 20
profits 20
Great Britain 20
fact 19
Great 18
opinion 18
approval 18
tariff 17
individuals 17
company 17
respect 17
rights 16
action 16
goods 16
business 16
legal 15
Assembly 15
Land 15
point 15
view 15
persons 15
settled 15
League 14
tax 14
asked 14
parties 14
rate 14
approved 14
residents 14
authority 14
accept 14
signing 14
body 14
dominions 14
decide 14
British Commonwealth 14
hoods 13
terms 13
submit 13
country 13
apply 13
interpretation 13
purpose 13
acceptance 13
approve 13
community 13
rules 13
British Empire 13
International Court 13
opportunity 12
conference 12
proposed 12
discussion 12
instance 12
form 12
free 12
agreement 12
Labour 11
deal 11
exist 11
desire 11
association 11
entitled 11
film 11
read 11
provisions 11
relation 11
treaties 11
limitation 11
New South Wales 11
co operative 11
signed 10
behalf 10
called 10
clear 10
answer 10
determine 10
alterations 10
making 10
appeals 10
ideals 10
Canada 10
migration 10
income tax 10
foreign 9
considered 9
claim 9
step 9
resolution 9
existence 9
countries 9
practice 9
consideration 9
measure 9
paragraph 9
stated 9
connexion 9
held 9
Commissioner 9
doubt 9
character 9
advantage 9
organizations 9
provided 9
future 9
signature 9
force 9
generally 9
nature 9
national 9
pact 9
Commonwealth of Nations 9
Treaty of Versailles 9
British Government 9
advisory opinion 9
upon notice 9
Empire 8
agreed 8
taxable 8
Geneva 8
Imperial 8
prepared 8
refer 8
duty 8
hats 8
regarded 8
arbitration 8
pool 8
true 8
proposals 8
enable 8
operation 8
cost 8
difficult 8
derived 8
considerable 8
assessments 8
period 8
shares 8
raised 8
function 8
partnership 8
bound 8
extent 8
submission 8
Canadian 8
nationality 8
international obligation 8
obligation 7
Board 7
men 7
service 7
aware 7
suggested 7
procedure 7
hand 7

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