Friday May 23, 1930 | House of Representatives – Australian Parliament

The top 5 words mentioned on 1930-05-23 were: Public Service, farmers, union, awards, organization

The 200 most common words used in parliament on Friday May 23, 1930 were:

Word Frequency
Public Service 79
farmers 62
union 55
awards 55
organization 50
regulation 49
wheat 36
pool 31
representative 28
power 28
policy 27
officer 24
wages 23
industry 23
paid 23
seed cotton 23
case 22
industrial 21
join 21
trade 21
workers 21
benefits 20
Holley 20
returned soldiers 20
asked 19
action 19
association 19
country 19
fact 18
authority 17
interests 17
point 17
agreed 17
Labour 16
employees 16
respect 16
Queensland 16
statement 16
proposal 16
Public Service Board 16
Service Board 16
compulsory pool 16
conditions 15
Arbitration 15
party 15
guarantee 15
proposed 15
Acting Minister 15
price 14
political 14
work 14
chairman 14
common rule 14
tribunal 13
received 13
man 13
letter 13
appointed 13
cotton yarn 13
upon notice 13
wheat growers 13
bushel 12
regard 12
desire 12
purpose 12
prepared 12
order 12
control 12
pay 12
amount 12
land 12
conditions of employment 12
wages and conditions 12
General 11
understand 11
membership 11
generally 11
principle 11
applied 11
read 11
cost 11
4s a bushel 11
New South Wales 11
basic wage 11
non unionists 11
Bank 10
great 10
place 10
compulsion 10
persons 10
large 10
moved 10
bounty 10
production of seed 10
Mr Latham 10
public servants 10
terms 9
subject 9
report 9
object 9
side 9
reason 9
application 9
receive 9
preference 9
laid 9
result 9
opinion 9
Commissioners 9
judge 9
Opposition Mr Latham 9
cotton or lint 9
Commonwealth Bank 9
growers 8
Markets 8
men 8
unionism 8
determination 8
informed 8
hands 8
view 8
period 8
connexion 8
support 8
answer 8
operation 8
offer 8
areas 8
picking 8
delivered 8
scheme 8
acre 8
manufacture of cotton 8
Labour party 8
Board 7
unionists 7
employers 7
Federal 7
deal 7
consideration 7
move 7
definite 7
form 7
trust 7
making 7
assist 7
determine 7
clear 7
repealed 7
concerned 7
rights 7
number 7
admitted 7
branch 7
wrote 7
brought 7
attitude 7
good 7
previous 7
intended 7
Canberra 7
primary 7
money 7
established 7
cover 7
grown 7
Public Service Act 7
Public Service Arbitrator 7
members of organizations 7
rates and conditions 7
Arbitration Court 7
Labour Government 7
Service Act 7
Service Arbitrator 7
cotton industry 7
employment 6
produced 6
Capital 6
prescribed 6
legislation 6
opportunity 6
resolved 6
affirmative 6
extent 6
fought 6
applies 6
votes 6
apply 6
provide 6
circular 6
steps 6
arrangements 6
early 6
proposes 6
applicant 6
enter 6
payable 6
Advocate 6
file 6
required 6

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