Friday August 30, 1929 | House of Representatives – Australian Parliament

The top 5 words mentioned on 1929-08-30 were: arbitration, award, industry, power, industrial

The 200 most common words used in parliament on Friday August 30, 1929 were:

Word Frequency
arbitration 110
award 82
industry 48
power 46
industrial 45
Arbitration Court 43
wages 39
workers 38
trade 37
Court 36
unions 35
country 34
case 33
public 31
conditions 27
work 27
statement 27
men 27
fact 25
hours 24
decision 23
tribunals 22
control 21
number 21
dispute 21
jurisdiction 21
Federal 20
opinion 20
view 20
cost 19
organizations 19
law 19
judge 19
proposal 19
party 18
Labour 18
subject 17
money 17
working 17
Labour party 17
Constitution 16
employees 16
Mr Justice 16
economic 15
action 15
answer 15
corporations 15
New South Wales 15
amount 14
interest 14
employers 14
operation 14
responsible 14
Federal Arbitration Court 14
Federal Arbitration 14
upon notice 14
system 13
deal 13
proposes 13
issued 13
prices 13
measure 13
total 13
Attorney General 13
asked 12
commission 12
Victoria 12
object 12
persons 12
industries 12
railway 12
side 12
Trade Union 12
purpose 11
building 11
provided 11
parties 11
man 11
leaders 11
legislation 11
Mr Justice Higgins 11
High Court 11
Justice Higgins 11
hour week 11
board 10
High 10
authority 10
read 10
report 10
evidence 10
proposed 10
issue 10
considered 10
attention 10
inquiry 10
full 10
class 10
political 10
find 10
point 10
rate 10
conference 10
asked the Minister 10
30th June 10
Commonwealth Arbitration 10
bills 9
accept 9
suggested 9
publicity 9
rooms 9
regard 9
hand 9
making 9
Queensland 9
fund 9
strike 9
passed 9
pay 9
mind 9
remarks 9
Commonwealth Arbitration Court 9
cost of living 9
Country party 9
Deputy Leader 9
arbitration system 9
peace 8
reply 8
early 8
occasions 8
large 8
practice 8
coal 8
field 8
stated 8
manner 8
proper 8
business 8
quoted 8
order 8
administration 8
referred 8
attitude 8
decided 8
force 8
follow 8
brought 8
consideration 8
provisions 8
reason 8
hearing 8
referendum 8
assist 8
agreements 8
represent 8
difficulty 8
member for Dalley 8
State awards 8
General 7
Council 7
Sydney 7
result 7
Tariff 7
long 7
trouble 7
war 7
official 7
existence 7
article 7
mentioned 7
electors 7
intended 7
great 7
paid 7
dealt 7
intention 7
sense 7
problem 7
including 7
judgment 7
Labour movement 7
Mr Bruce 7
South Australia 7
State instrumentalities 7
trade unionists 7
production 6
Customs 6
Nationalist 6
representatives 6
connexion 6
existing 6
loan 6
period 6
cent 6
National 6
terms 6
understand 6
authoritative 6
conduct 6
published 6
Melbourne 6

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