Tuesday March 05, 1929 | House of Representatives – Australian Parliament

The top 5 words mentioned on 1929-03-05 were: licence, work, workers, legislation, measure

The 200 most common words used in parliament on Tuesday March 05, 1929 were:

Word Frequency
licence 85
work 70
workers 67
legislation 67
measure 65
men 52
ports 49
order 45
unions 45
industrial 43
discussion 42
waterside workers 40
proposed new section 39
proposed new 39
arbitration 38
law 34
persons 34
country 33
licensing system 33
Attorney General 32
power 31
principle 31
system 29
case 28
industry 27
conditions 27
community 26
man 26
court 25
period 23
asked 23
desire 23
employment 23
award 22
employees 22
apply 22
subject 22
opportunity 22
employers 22
action 21
consideration 21
business 21
applied 21
aliens 21
proposal 20
service 20
licensing officer 20
hours 19
sitting 19
motion 19
fact 19
discuss 19
long 19
unionism 18
report 18
public 18
view 17
number 17
prepared 17
General 16
deal 16
policy 16
statement 16
issued 16
reason 16
discussed 16
waterfront 16
labour 15
cotton 15
regulations 15
side 15
provisions 15
application 15
vote 15
AttorneyGeneral 14
Melbourne 14
introduced 14
refused 14
Transport Workers 14
industrial peace 14
received 13
purpose 13
party 13
good 13
enable 13
employed 13
operation 13
object 13
generally 13
British born 13
stage 12
prevent 12
dispute 12
referred 12
regard 12
occasion 12
carry 12
practice 12
organization 12
registration 12
postmen 12
speak 12
discussing 12
character 12
provided 12
opinion 12
licensed 12
paragraph 12
cancelled 12
lawful command 12
British 11
unionists 11
Board 11
point 11
place 11
representatives 11
nature 11
wharfs 11
Treasurer 11
Chairman 11
sugar 11
move 11
accept 11
penalties 11
citizens 11
waterside 10
trade 10
notice 10
suggestion 10
told 10
brought 10
continue 10
fairly 10
circumstances 10
Queensland 10
passed 10
exist 10
working 10
result 10
clauses 10
extended 10
offence 10
class 10
member for North 10
North Sydney 10
press 9
Canberra 9
reply 9
meeting 9
terms 9
considered 9
interests 9
arrangements 9
allowed 9
industries 9
price 9
paid 9
rates 9
amount 9
charge 9
half 9
hope 9
argument 9
fight 9
method 9
attempt 9
spirit 9
strike 9
economic 9
lawful order 9
new sections 9
organized labour 9
second reading 9
ship owners 9
trade unionism 9
licensing 8
peace 8
ship 8
Great 8
coal 8
ensure 8
official 8
intention 8
dealt 8
duties 8
address 8
fully 8
doubt 8
follow 8
force 8
required 8
duty 8
programme 8
advantage 8
involved 8
granted 8
ordinary 8
calling 8
refuse 8
decision 8

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