Tuesday March 08, 1927 | House of Representatives – Australian Parliament

The top 5 words mentioned on 1927-03-08 were: proposal, revenue, per capita, taxation, per capita payments

The 200 most common words used in parliament on Tuesday March 08, 1927 were:

Word Frequency
proposal 87
revenue 85
per capita 82
taxation 80
per capita payments 70
capita payments 70
Treasurer 56
great 51
war 46
direct taxation 46
arrangement 44
conference 44
Constitution 44
power 43
money 42
financial 41
principle 38
Federal 36
proposed 36
party 35
view 35
tax 33
agreement 33
measure 33
Queensland 31
grant 31
amount 30
cent 29
federation 29
country 28
fact 28
basis 27
pay 26
work 25
problem 25
increase 25
scheme 25
indirect taxation 25
reasons 24
result 24
system 24
operation 24
obligations 24
public 23
interest 22
policy 22
argument 22
income 21
rate 21
expenditure 21
Customs and excise 21
debts 20
conditions 20
connexion 20
find 20
adopted 19
loss 19
nation 19
form 19
loans 19
finances 19
sinking fund 19
population 18
representatives 18
referred 18
Board 18
services 18
raise 18
Customs 17
constitutional 17
proposes 17
continue 17
case 17
defence 17
consideration 17
roads 17
greater 17
Customs revenue 17
field 16
duties 16
Victoria 16
railways 16
provided 16
good 16
relation 16
purposes 16
point 16
subject 16
abolition 16
opinion 16
held 16
national 16
suggestion 15
Empire 15
occasion 15
considered 15
alteration 15
number 15
extent 15
receive 15
total 15
speaking 15
mind 15
general 14
regard 14
individual 14
men 14
provide 14
Premier 14
opportunity 14
submitted 14
left 14
future 14
period 14
received 14
paid 14
laws 14
tho 14
hand 14
change 14
clear 14
aggregation 14
field of direct 14
land tax 14
land 13
cost 13
aggregate 13
taxpayer 13
bring 13
responsible 13
expressed 13
return 13
order 13
doubt 13
reply 13
practice 13
wool 13
annual 13
true 13
burden 13
responsibility 13
spend 13
majority 13
Surplus Revenue 13
moral right 13
special 12
Labour 12
increased 12
asked 12
legislation 12
main 12
lost 12
Council 12
deal 12
action 12
open 12
objection 12
regarded 12
control 12
statement 12
Tasmania 12
told 12
referendum 12
thought 12
colonies 12
per annum 12
ten years 12
progressive 11
report 11
live 11
class 11
continued 11
desire 11
place 11
attitude 11
force 11
decided 11
share 11
receipts 11
generally 11
making 11
concerned 11
pensions 11
kind 11
authority 11
reduced 11
raised 11
election 11
Braddon 11
Convention 11
New South Wales 11
per head 11
sources 10
political 10
stated 10
refer 10
long 10
figures 10
manner 10
Commission 10

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