Friday July 23, 1926 | House of Representatives – Australian Parliament

The top 5 words mentioned on 1926-07-23 were: fruit, pension, work, board, judges

The 200 most common words used in parliament on Friday July 23, 1926 were:

Word Frequency
fruit 40
pension 38
work 32
board 32
judges 29
oil 28
money 27
market 25
report 25
commission 25
price 24
measure 23
purpose 21
High Court 21
industry 18
produce 17
good 17
trade 16
producers 16
Senate 16
overseas 16
boring operations 16
understand 15
amount 15
service 15
fact 14
great 14
referred 14
provided 14
fund 14
age of years 14
member for Boothby 14
upon notice 14
legislation 13
proposed 13
regard 13
staff 13
action 13
case 13
consideration 13
justices 13
expenditure 13
butter 13
age 12
received 12
follow 12
sum 12
Queensland 12
object 12
provide 12
carried 12
salary 12
amendments 12
marketing 12
Loan 11
order 11
country 11
institutions 11
conditions 11
bore 11
interests 11
deal 11
principle 11
Labour party 11
General 10
answers 10
period 10
experience 10
intention 10
growers 10
paid 10
Commissioner 10
motion 10
doubt 10
hope 10
consumers 10
cent 10
accept 10
retire 10
years of age 10
Attorney General 10
Export Control 10
Loan Council 10
oil boring 10
asked 9
place 9
attention 9
Treasurer 9
arrangements 9
men 9
making 9
appointment 9
subject 9
assistance 9
view 9
agreed 9
enable 9
cost 9
proposes 9
expert 9
passed 9
continue 9
policy 9
building 9
union 9
terms 9
borrow 9
borrowing 9
party 8
business 8
inmates 8
duties 8
accepted 8
agreement 8
system 8
long 8
Crown 8
resolution 8
expenses 8
charge 8
assist 8
geological 8
power 8
form 8
rate 8
reported 8
adopted 8
request 8
private 8
season 8
Mandated Territories 8
Labour 7
Council 7
prospecting 7
primary 7
land 7
leave 7
inquiry 7
meeting 7
paragraph 7
statement 7
person 7
mentioned 7
payment 7
soldiers 7
respect 7
proposal 7
London 7
stand 7
employed 7
connexion 7
previous 7
spent 7
set 7
returned 7
raised 7
retired 7
New South Wales 7
oil boring operations 7
read a second 7
Dairy Produce 7
Mandated Territory 7
New Zealand 7
oil prospecting 7
Bench 6
tax 6
receive 6
Melbourne 6
countries 6
industries 6
necessity 6
step 6
supply 6
message 6
appropriated 6
appoint 6
fields 6
required 6
trust 6
survey 6
companies 6
introduced 6
budget 6
stated 6
geologists 6
discovered 6
district 6
direction 6
moved 6
provisions 6
entitled 6
speaking 6
dangerous 6
Dairy Produce Export 6
Export Control Bill 6
Produce Export Control 6
asked the Prime 6
Arbitration Court 6
Control Bill 6
Great Britain 6

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