Thursday February 18, 1926 | House of Representatives – Australian Parliament

The top 5 words mentioned on 1926-02-18 were: strike, offence, person, law, country

The 200 most common words used in parliament on Thursday February 18, 1926 were:

Word Frequency
strike 125
offence 122
person 107
law 103
country 96
legislation 89
power 84
industrial 71
man 67
court 66
case 65
Attorney General 64
deal 51
dispute 47
British 46
revolution 44
men 42
employer 42
deportation 41
fact 40
Constitution 40
view 39
proposed new 38
measure 37
provisions 37
political 37
citizens 37
work 35
criminal 35
place 34
action 34
public 33
good 33
definition 33
deported 33
force 32
conditions 32
workers 31
order 30
purpose 30
evidence 29
wrong 29
unlawful association 29
overthrow 28
advocate 28
regard 28
paragraph 28
punishment 28
General 27
great 27
penalty 27
read 26
transport 26
election 26
dealing 26
reason 25
peace 25
change 25
side 25
union 24
imprisonment 24
force or violence 24
proposed section 24
association 23
prepared 23
services 23
desire 23
crimes 23
AttorneyGeneral 23
point 23
lockout 23
industrial disputes 23
Labour 22
deport 22
officers 22
term 22
principle 22
opinion 22
things 22
community 22
proposed new section 22
statement 21
passed 21
apply 21
operation 21
lawful authority 21
responsibility 20
connexion 20
issue 20
object 20
liable 20
life 20
communists 20
sabotage 19
asked 19
referred 19
consideration 19
support 19
individual 19
constable 19
imposed 19
property 19
judicial 19
proclamation 19
word 18
provided 18
trouble 18
meaning 18
Labour party 18
subject 17
number 17
stand 17
stated 17
dealt 17
doubt 17
circumstances 17
sections 17
understand 17
without warrant 17
trade unionists 17
trade 16
guilty 16
reasonable 16
methods 16
brought 16
book 16
find 16
heard 16
relation 16
accused 16
prove 16
clear 16
interests 16
accept 16
authority 15
attention 15
times 15
proposal 15
article 15
hold 15
sale 15
proper 15
ideas 15
bring 15
penalties 15
speak 15
history 15
mandate 15
New South Wales 15
arrest without warrant 15
without lawful authority 15
arrest without 15
without lawful 15
trade union 15
Justice 14
born 14
report 14
full 14
organization 14
attempt 14
considered 14
hands 14
acts 14
communism 14
Russia 14
High Court 14
section 30j 14
upon notice 14
violence 13
party 13
unionists 13
moment 13
claim 13
answers 13
concerned 13
employment 13
conference 13
reply 13
suggested 13
introduced 13
making 13
propose 13
ordinary 13
instance 13
sentence 13
revolutionary 13
exists 13
directed 13
regarded 13
conviction 13
award 13
proposed new sub 13
board 12
refers 12
difficulty 12
price 12
manufacturers 12
submit 12
amount 12
effective 12

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