Thursday February 11, 1926 | House of Representatives – Australian Parliament

The top 5 words mentioned on 1926-02-11 were: country, strike, men, Labour, power

The 200 most common words used in parliament on Thursday February 11, 1926 were:

Word Frequency
country 110
strike 102
men 97
Labour 86
power 75
election 65
deal 62
work 61
measure 60
workers 58
action 52
law 51
great 47
statement 46
conditions 45
legislation 45
man 42
Labour party 42
letter 40
industrial 38
British 37
building 36
provisions 36
communists 34
fact 33
persons 33
deportation 33
criminals 33
report 32
side 32
view 31
order 31
point 30
wages 30
trade unions 30
trade unionists 29
community 28
unlawful associations 28
party 27
referred 27
interests 27
unions 26
case 26
good 26
industry 25
force 25
issue 25
Public Works 25
asked 24
read 24
methods 24
employers 24
political 24
circumstances 23
Works Committee 23
received 22
desire 22
organization 22
Public Works Committee 22
trade unionism 22
Court 21
life 21
bring 21
mandate 21
communism 21
Attorney General 21
British seamen 21
unionists 20
associations 20
proposal 20
board 20
stand 20
deported 20
trade 19
purpose 19
word 19
prepared 19
brought 19
hope 19
proclamation 19
General 18
Arbitration 18
movement 18
provided 18
consideration 18
design 18
marble 18
opinion 18
citizens 18
Great Britain 18
class 17
cost 17
working 17
subject 17
evidence 17
hands 17
trouble 17
support 17
deport 17
industrial disputes 17
regard 16
paid 16
place 16
passed 16
Queensland 16
individuals 16
introduced 16
judge 16
lockout 16
peace 16
attention 15
opportunity 15
number 15
reason 15
national 15
system 15
white 15
understand 15
principle 15
award 15
attempt 15
press 15
Fascisti 15
fight 15
newspaper 14
price 14
held 14
Canberra 14
stated 14
motion 14
combination 14
responsible 14
Constitution 14
Walsh 14
menace 14
electors 14
majority 14
prove 14
city 13
London 13
service 13
connexion 13
erection 13
permanent 13
result 13
judgment 13
find 13
supporters 13
thought 13
things 13
declare 13
Sir George Buchanan 13
George Buchanan 13
Sir George 13
disputes 12
South 12
Garden 12
investigation 12
refer 12
official 12
remarks 12
generally 12
Bowser 12
vote 12
attitude 12
terms 12
land 12
capital 12
character 12
object 12
form 12
crime 12
returned 12
protect 12
nation 12
told 12
refuse 12
steps 12
knew 12
hall 12
hear 12
born 12
officer 11
large 11
wealth 11
policy 11
appeal 11
prevent 11
free 11
Bank 11
construction 11
submitted 11
architect 11
won 11
suggested 11
body 11
kind 11
regarded 11
authority 11
AttorneyGeneral 11

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