Friday October 14, 1921 | House of Representatives – Australian Parliament

The top 5 words mentioned on 1921-10-14 were: industry, item, goods, money, country

The 200 most common words used in parliament on Friday October 14, 1921 were:

Word Frequency
industry 61
item 55
goods 52
money 49
country 47
rates 47
loan 45
duty 42
Tariff 40
great 40
duties 35
financial 32
Senate 31
cotton 31
interests 31
medicines 27
wool 26
articles 25
consideration 24
fact 24
manufacturers 24
woollen 23
reason 23
Queensland Government 23
Treasurer 21
opportunity 21
request 20
war 20
prices 20
protection 19
Great Britain 19
Queensland 18
business 18
amount 18
London 17
policy 17
local 17
purposes 16
regard 16
prepared 16
agreed 16
apparel 16
knitted 15
preparations 15
large 15
industries 15
invested 15
raw material 15
higher 14
financiers 14
manufacture 14
British per cent 14
per cent intermediate 14
British per 14
cent intermediate 14
view 13
respect 13
countries 13
cent intermediate per 13
general per cent 13
intermediate per cent 13
Senate s request 13
general per 13
intermediate per 13
imported 12
asked 12
pay 12
proposal 12
order 12
sufficient 12
extent 12
garments 12
reduction 12
knitting 11
motion 11
action 11
authority 11
proposed 11
capital 11
Treasury bills 11
woollen goods 11
lower rate 11
market 10
place 10
Labour 10
statement 10
propose 10
men 10
favorable 10
mind 10
move 10
additional 10
find 10
case 10
subject 10
represent 10
spirituous 10
fixed 10
factories 10
ad val British 10
cent general per 10
per cent general 10
val British per 10
ad val 10
cent general 10
val British 10
woollen industry 10
spirit 9
paid 9
borrow 9
raised 9
borrowing 9
told 9
result 9
progress 9
heavy 9
workers 9
operation 9
practically 9
yarn 9
establishment 9
New South Wales 9
Trade and Customs 9
Mr Greene 9
another place 9
connexion 8
measure 8
concerned 8
raise 8
locally 8
hope 8
required 8
American 8
advised 8
deal 8
making 8
difference 8
charged 8
high 8
manufactured 8
Minister for Trade 8
cotton goods 8
knitted goods 8
money market 8
mills 7
public 7
raising 7
notice 7
produced 7
enable 7
number 7
future 7
increase 7
control 7
kind 7
argument 7
late 7
land 7
introduced 7
occasion 7
desires 7
doubt 7
opinion 7
class 7
classes 7
provided 7
impose 7
proposing 7
reasonable 7
woven 7
importations 7
figures 7
vote 7
Sir Joseph Cook 7
cent and per 7
Joseph Cook 7
Sir Joseph 7
per gallon 7
works 6
follow 6
basis 6
engaged 6
ordinary 6
remarks 6
difficulty 6
debts 6
fair 6
form 6
discussion 6
abroad 6
afforded 6
word 6
alteration 6
support 6
brought 6
man 6
feel 6
accommodation 6
secure 6
remind 6

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