Wednesday June 29, 1921 | House of Representatives – Australian Parliament

The top 5 words mentioned on 1921-06-29 were: films, duty, item, industry, general per cent

The 200 most common words used in parliament on Wednesday June 29, 1921 were:

Word Frequency
films 89
duty 83
item 76
industry 68
general per cent 51
general per 51
manufacture 50
Agreement 48
ad val 48
val British 48
picture 47
contract 47
ad val British 47
regard 46
Mr Greene 45
duties 44
cent intermediate 43
article 42
cent general per 42
cent general 42
cent intermediate per 41
intermediate per cent 41
per cent intermediate 41
intermediate per 41
British per cent 40
per cent general 40
British per 40
Tariff 39
great 39
fact 39
val British per 39
work 38
ad valorem 37
sub item 37
war 36
agreed to Item 36
railway 35
good 34
pay 33
country 33
firms 33
cycles 33
leather 32
cost 32
hides 32
rubber 32
service 31
number 31
high 31
case 30
Minister Mr Greene 30
tyres 29
statement 29
desire 29
imported 29
mails 29
move 28
prepared 27
wheels 26
trade 25
conditions 25
increase 24
importations 24
protection 24
America 24
motor cycle 24
place 23
paid 22
consideration 22
Navigation Company 22
business 21
Steam Navigation Company 21
Steam Navigation 21
Division 20
men 20
point 20
purposes 20
making 20
industries 20
hope 20
boats 20
Great Britain 20
manufacturers 19
propose 19
30th June 19
reason 18
return 18
connexion 18
Sydney 18
proposed 18
material 18
large 18
subject 18
arrangement 18
carry 18
chamois leather 18
twelve months 18
person 17
control 17
order 17
kind 17
Peninsular and Oriental 17
Company 16
respect 16
companies 16
impose 16
imposed 16
man 16
needles 16
find 16
difficulty 16
lower 16
reduction 16
price 16
valorem duty 16
motor 15
local 15
understand 15
hand 15
class 15
figures 15
individual 15
test 15
ad valorem duty 15
interests 14
practically 14
officers 14
newspaper 14
mentioned 14
dealing 14
produce 14
American 14
artists 14
ships 14
Division XIII 14
per foot 14
gold 13
Territory 13
revenue 13
press 13
Age 13
engaged 13
considerable 13
long 13
import 13
required 13
greater 13
object 13
cars 13
steel 13
rate 12
deal 12
Customs 12
sufficient 12
increased 12
amount 12
asked 12
public 12
action 12
total 12
England 12
machinery 12
period 12
imitation 12
fair 12
producers 12
proprietors 12
carriage 12
shipping 12
vessels 12
patent and enamelled 12
cardigan jackets 12
skins 11
tax 11
trouble 11
taxation 11
view 11
told 11
list 11
opportunity 11
referred 11
system 11
plant 11
provided 11
importers 11
jewellery 11
shoes 11
dutiable 11
watches 11
labour 11
doubt 11
mind 11
Combine 11
vehicles 11
Acting Prime Minister 11
Orient Steam Navigation 11
amended by adding 11
ad valorem rate 11
Acting Prime 11
British free 11

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