Tuesday June 14, 1921 | House of Representatives – Australian Parliament

The top 5 words mentioned on 1921-06-14 were: price, machines, duty, New Zealand, farmer

The 200 most common words used in parliament on Tuesday June 14, 1921 were:

Word Frequency
price 177
machines 123
duty 116
New Zealand 110
farmer 87
figures 79
manufacturers 75
duties 75
country 73
Tariff 71
industry 70
machinery 61
wages 58
Canada 56
increase 51
cent 49
member for Dampier 49
item 46
cost 45
rate 43
work 40
statement 40
agricultural machinery 40
pay 39
implements 38
primary producer 37
quoted 36
charge 36
increased 35
fact 35
production 34
market 33
case 33
protection 32
list 32
regard 32
agricultural implements 31
freight 30
drills 29
imported 29
free 28
reason 28
wheat 27
higher 27
Canadian 27
Massey Harris 27
natural protection 27
manufacture 26
land 26
Argentine 26
great 25
good 25
connexion 24
countries 23
article 23
interests 23
exchange 23
employees 23
per ton 23
paid 22
deal 22
asked 22
industries 22
comparison 22
firms 22
war 21
men 21
view 21
metals 21
man 21
lower 21
10s 21
crops 21
Australian manufacturers 21
period 20
conditions 20
average 20
reaper and binder 20
business 19
proposed 19
desire 19
fair 19
importers 19
quote 19
Mr Gregory 19
passed 18
supplied 18
Melbourne 18
States of America 18
United States 18
local manufacturers 18
local 17
prove 17
sell 17
disc 17
grain 17
Mr Greene 17
workers 16
community 16
hope 16
stand 16
sold 16
represent 16
reduction 16
overseas 16
products 16
order 15
manufactured 15
number 15
argument 15
making 15
point 15
contention 15
American 15
mine 15
Dampier Mr Gregory 15
Dampier Mr 15
wages paid 15
export 14
propose 14
received 14
respect 14
difference 14
harvest 14
labour 14
workmen 14
instance 14
bushel 13
amount 13
report 13
low 13
import 13
large 13
statistics 13
greater 13
high 13
protective 13
told 13
object 13
quoting 13
benefit 13
Minister Mr Greene 13
Free Trade 13
Harvester Company 13
International Harvester 13
per bushel 13
Trade 12
America 12
long 12
financial 12
consideration 12
hands 12
small 12
threshers 12
brought 12
city 12
manufacturing 12
contract 12
advantage 12
International Harvester Company 12
feet 11
representatives 11
read 11
referred 11
find 11
full 11
place 11
required 11
dumping 11
extent 11
Association 11
result 11
opinion 11
population 11
doubt 11
considerably 11
imposition 11
compete 11
companies 11
Combine 11
Massey Harris Company 11
Australian farmer 11
Harris Company 11
cent duty 11
binder 10
persons 10
reply 10
bring 10
purpose 10
arrangement 10
produced 10
engine 10
parts 10
progress 10
consumer 10
burden 10
factories 10
imposed 10
support 10
intend 10

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