Thursday April 28, 1921 | House of Representatives – Australian Parliament

The top 5 words mentioned on 1921-04-28 were: wool, Tariff, country, industry, price

The 200 most common words used in parliament on Thursday April 28, 1921 were:

Word Frequency
wool 73
Tariff 61
country 59
industry 56
price 56
manufacturers 55
Protection 55
Queensland 54
interests 54
growers 47
workers 46
war 42
good 42
market 41
wheat 40
duty 39
fruit 38
great 35
bananas 33
farmers 31
explosives 31
men 29
profits 29
labour 28
deal 27
work 27
industries 27
regard 26
money 26
policy 26
fact 25
cent 25
case 24
manufacture 24
expenditure 24
production 23
cotton 23
mines 22
products 22
sold 22
article 22
view 21
asked 21
miners 21
New South Wales 21
cost 20
man 20
high 19
statement 19
sale 19
opinion 19
conditions 18
duties 18
Fiji 18
power 17
opportunity 17
wages 17
Free 16
local 16
representatives 16
control 16
concerned 16
pay 16
paid 15
consideration 15
hand 15
figures 15
hope 15
clip 15
high Tariff 15
banks 14
imported 14
purpose 14
commission 14
amount 14
rate 14
financial 14
land 14
order 14
suggested 14
competition 14
Victoria 14
importers 14
machines 14
factories 14
dumping 14
Great Britain 14
upon notice 14
Company 13
place 13
direct 13
Pool 13
charges 13
result 13
action 13
increase 13
produce 13
coal 13
Free Trade 13
South 12
working 12
subject 12
tons 12
total 12
Melbourne 12
prevent 12
number 12
vote 12
fair 12
commodities 12
desire 12
British 12
reserve 12
community 12
agricultural 12
Protectionist 12
machinery 12
Broken Hill 12
Western Australia 12
mining industry 12
America 11
making 11
established 11
circumstances 11
imposed 11
reasons 11
long 11
law 11
dealing 11
system 11
increased 11
overseas 11
operation 11
remark 11
produced 11
acres 11
countries 11
side 11
party 10
England 10
London 10
export 10
large 10
grown 10
find 10
greater 10
moment 10
Legislature 10
respect 10
buy 10
Victorian 10
trouble 10
advocates 10
protected 10
represent 10
6d per 10
Labour party 10
per bushel 10
mining 9
point 9
manufactured 9
Bawra 9
General 9
Conference 9
employed 9
thought 9
meet 9
items 9
defence 9
colleagues 9
support 9
business 9
sell 9
remedy 9
economic 9
cheap 9
preference 9
Combine 9
monopolies 9
plant 9
Queensland and New 9
point of view 9
working class 9
class 8
primary 8
contract 8
held 8
persons 8
freight 8
proposals 8
soldiers 8
report 8
require 8
occasion 8
prevented 8
stand 8
impose 8
created 8
prepared 8
admit 8

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