Tuesday September 07, 1920 | House of Representatives – Australian Parliament

The top 5 words mentioned on 1920-09-07 were: Public Service, public servants, Arbitrator, Arbitration Court, award

The 200 most common words used in parliament on Tuesday September 07, 1920 were:

Word Frequency
Public Service 257
public servants 158
Arbitrator 128
Arbitration Court 119
award 116
cases 101
Judge 87
Court 72
employees 69
measure 59
Public 56
officers 54
work 52
organization 49
Association 49
men 49
deal 47
man 45
claims 45
view 43
justice 43
desire 42
conditions 41
decision 40
point 36
unions 36
Mr McLachlan 36
evidence 35
regard 34
power 34
reason 33
industrial 33
Tribunal 31
dealing 31
appointment 31
report 30
representative 30
connexion 30
fact 29
appeal 27
Arbitration 26
persons 26
principle 26
number 25
trade 25
Commonwealth Public 25
New South Wales 24
good 23
benefits 23
industry 23
increase 22
salary 22
Departments 22
wage 21
statement 21
country 21
purpose 21
receive 21
working 21
system 21
advantage 21
appointed 21
introduced 21
Public Service Commissioner 21
Service Commissioner 21
consideration 20
propose 20
respect 20
proposed 20
objection 20
hope 19
proposal 19
private 19
body 19
law 19
revenue 19
Mr Justice 19
pay 18
dealt 18
passed 18
circumstances 18
place 18
heard 18
increased 18
concerned 18
letter 18
General 17
received 17
money 17
find 17
opportunity 17
opposed 17
Labour 17
party 17
behalf 17
Conciliation and Arbitration 17
great 16
war 16
brought 16
Railways 16
asked 16
separate 16
prepared 16
head 16
appoint 16
told 16
Commonwealth Public Service 16
special 15
employment 15
operation 15
individuals 15
generally 15
salaries 15
Industrial Peace 15
cost 14
settlement 14
ordinary 14
understand 14
secure 14
knowledge 14
Arbitration Act 14
made retrospective 14
wool 13
branch 13
provided 13
order 13
conference 13
workers 13
message 13
appropriation 13
community 13
object 13
doubt 13
trouble 13
permanent 13
entitled 13
side 13
Public Service Act 13
Service Act 13
Board 12
clerks 12
Treasurer 12
hand 12
paid 12
stated 12
Victoria 12
leave 12
satisfied 12
kind 12
fair 12
provide 12
making 12
interests 12
Clerical 12
set 12
Postal 12
attention 12
result 12
determination 12
disputes 12
machinery 12
assessors 11
subject 11
allowed 11
duty 11
payment 11
employer 11
required 11
rights 11
practically 11
employed 11
experience 11
difficulty 11
efficiency 11
legislation 11
opinion 11
existing 11
referred 11
hearing 11
Arbitration Public Service 11
Arbitration Public 11
Sydney Mr 11
called 10
jurisdiction 10
read 10
period 10
hears 10
sense 10
Queensland 10
deputation 10
apply 10
granted 10
postmasters 10
rates 10
reply 10
additional 10
Deputy 10
step 10
necessity 10
officials 10

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