Friday July 30, 1920 | House of Representatives – Australian Parliament

The top 5 words mentioned on 1920-07-30 were: motion, New South Wales, money, Capital, Federal Capital

The 200 most common words used in parliament on Friday July 30, 1920 were:

Word Frequency
motion 61
New South Wales 50
money 42
Capital 40
Federal Capital 39
Canberra 36
work 32
opportunity 30
expenditure 29
private members 27
amount 26
interest 26
representatives 25
vote 24
sitting day 24
compact 23
Tasmania 23
soldier 22
Federation 21
regard 21
deal 21
view 20
election 19
order 18
country 18
building 18
proposal 18
Federal 17
war 17
measures 17
session 17
Melbourne 17
carry 17
London 17
great 16
notes 16
fact 16
defence 16
public 16
promise 16
case 16
desire 15
members business 15
notice 14
asked 14
long 14
move 14
discussion 14
opinion 14
Sydney 14
pay 14
private members business 14
High Commissioner 14
extra day 14
Victoria 13
paid 13
consideration 13
left 13
argument 13
cost 12
reason 12
Tariff 12
influence 12
told 12
support 12
Government business 12
South 11
purpose 11
connexion 11
fair 11
discussed 11
understand 11
favour 11
practically 11
Constitution 11
agreed 11
return 11
hope 11
official 11
twenty years 11
men 10
bonds 10
payment 10
stock 10
revenue 10
loan 10
Victorian 10
party 10
general 10
man 10
find 10
financial 10
policy 10
carried 10
majority 10
generally 10
feeling 10
good 10
sit 10
point 10
expenses 10
Sir Joseph Cook 10
Joseph Cook 10
Sir Joseph 10
take precedence 10
railway 9
action 9
proposed 9
conditions 9
prepared 9
represent 9
meet 9
rate 9
power 9
Ballarat 9
cent 9
worth 9
Seat of Government 9
Supply Bill 9
Western Australia 9
answer 8
duty 8
proceeded 8
honour 8
discuss 8
resolution 8
carrying 8
statement 8
care 8
refer 8
millions 8
economy 8
land 8
build 8
Budget 8
agreement 8
spend 8
electors 8
returned 8
League 8
Government business shall 8
private members day 8
Mr Fisher 8
business shall 8
Wales 7
Treasurer 7
service 7
entered 7
duties 7
appointed 7
concerned 7
remind 7
brought 7
place 7
construction 7
absolutely 7
future 7
arrangement 7
legislation 7
homes 7
system 7
subject 7
considerable 7
waste 7
representation 7
regarded 7
number 7
small 7
received 7
Pensions 7
sum 7
report 7
removal 7
errors 7
taxation 7
business shall take 7
extra sitting day 7
shall take precedence 7
Mr Hughes 7
South Australia 7
extra sitting 7
Supply 6
attention 6
submit 6
follow 6
laid 6
steps 6
political 6
benefit 6
considered 6
item 6
circumstances 6
removed 6
contract 6
bring 6
sorts 6
stand 6
understanding 6
side 6
establishment 6

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