Friday July 27, 1917 | House of Representatives – Australian Parliament

The top 5 words mentioned on 1917-07-27 were: railway, cost, country, construction, work

The 200 most common words used in parliament on Friday July 27, 1917 were:

Word Frequency
railway 153
cost 50
country 45
construction 45
work 31
good 29
gauge 28
great 28
revenue 27
regard 25
Western Australia 25
interest 24
South Australia 24
man 23
Commissioner 22
control 22
conditions 21
expenditure 21
men 21
war 20
reason 20
water 20
engineers 19
fact 19
business 19
staff 19
oil 19
system 18
rate 18
east west 18
asked 17
statement 17
offer 17
Port Augusta 17
South Australian 17
defence 16
long 16
public 15
estimate 15
traffic 15
order 15
connexion 15
management 15
wages 15
officers 15
expert 15
proposal 14
figures 14
built 14
service 14
labour 13
report 13
constructed 13
return 13
east west railway 13
west railway 13
hope 12
experience 12
contractor 12
cent 12
amount 12
administration 12
deal 12
big 12
Commonwealth railways 12
miles 11
unions 11
case 11
supply 11
referred 11
development 11
lines 11
pay 11
money 11
opinion 11
policy 11
ft in gauge 11
Railway Department 11
ft 10
building 10
subject 10
proposed 10
purpose 10
conference 10
working 10
hear 10
loss 10
Kalgoorlie 10
Oodnadatta 9
told 9
material 9
details 9
wool 9
charge 9
trains 9
large 9
desire 9
principle 9
point 8
responsible 8
paid 8
proper 8
considered 8
operations 8
absolutely 8
contract 8
land 8
place 8
official 8
paying 8
standard 8
advantage 8
Oodnadatta line 8
railway system 8
sleepers 7
referring 7
find 7
submitted 7
hand 7
arrangements 7
build 7
period 7
supplies 7
soldiers 7
benefit 7
employment 7
supplied 7
difficulties 7
workshops 7
things 7
employees 7
understand 7
making 7
refer 7
dealing 7
proposition 7
EngineerinChief 7
speaking 7
object 7
workers 7
proved 7
construct 7
member for Wakefield 7
Acting Commissioner 7
Mr Timms 7
day labour 7
gang system 7
rails 6
read 6
result 6
provide 6
correct 6
newspapers 6
allowed 6
party 6
fixed 6
preparation 6
short 6
steps 6
operate 6
ready 6
agreement 6
private 6
duty 6
ordinary 6
Treasurer 6
answers 6
entertainments 6
increased 6
side 6
opportunity 6
late 6
occasions 6
events 6
concerned 6
financial 6
portion 6
regarded 6
speak 6
inquiry 6
considerable 6
Departments 6
pass 6
suggested 6
stations 6
Accounts 6
talk 6
Australia and South 6
South Australian Government 6
butty gang system 6
wish to prove 6
butty gang 6
rolling stock 6
strategic railways 6
upon notice 6
stock 5
capital 5
chief 5
discuss 5
nation 5

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