Wednesday October 21, 1914 | House of Representatives – Australian Parliament

The top 5 words mentioned on 1914-10-21 were: offences, proclamation, Courts, measure, agreed to Clause

The 200 most common words used in parliament on Wednesday October 21, 1914 were:

Word Frequency
offences 68
proclamation 62
Courts 39
measure 37
agreed to Clause 36
cases 35
power 33
trade 32
enemy 32
jurisdiction 30
war 30
law 29
person 29
regard 28
trading 28
order 23
goods 22
Clause agreed 22
issued 20
deal 19
prize 17
point 16
Imperial 16
transactions 16
High Court 16
penalty 15
view 15
German 15
provided 15
State Courts 14
General 13
leave 13
King 13
Justice 13
Attorney General 13
code 12
Queensland 12
business 12
cargo 12
officer 12
dealt 12
firm 12
British 12
relation 12
proceedings 12
Trade and Customs 12
Customs 11
fact 11
official 11
mares 11
penalties 11
branch 11
notice 10
public 10
country 10
connexion 10
dealing 10
apply 10
purposes 10
cover 10
circumstances 10
imprisonment 10
common law 10
Clauses 9
attention 9
motion 9
work 9
opinion 9
carried 9
respect 9
subject 9
duty 9
prosecution 9
peace 9
proposed 9
appeal 9
Minister of Trade 9
criminal 8
issue 8
secret 8
hope 8
generally 8
payment 8
soldiers 8
move 8
passed 8
aliens 8
property 8
statutory 8
individual 8
exercise 8
Constitution 8
kind 8
territory 8
Admiralty 8
military 7
Forces 7
paragraph 7
Times 7
place 7
Sydney 7
South 7
export 7
delay 7
prohibited 7
desire 7
contract 7
extent 7
Statute 7
evidence 7
provisions 7
instance 7
things 7
Crimes 7
object 7
forgery 7
trees 7
read a second 7
Prize Courts 7
police 6
statement 6
referred 6
men 6
press 6
permitted 6
instructions 6
District 6
considered 6
Commission 6
countries 6
explanation 6
Melbourne 6
asked 6
published 6
special 6
title 6
propose 6
operation 6
licence 6
doubt 6
Gazette 6
warrant 6
document 6
desirable 6
industries 6
enable 6
principle 6
ordinary 6
long 6
refer 6
coin 6
intercourse 6
concurrent 6
creates 6
espionage 6
Clauses to agreed 6
Minister of Defence 6
Assistant Minister 6
Bill read 6
Defence Department 6
read 5
ordered 5
article 5
carefully 5
report 5
coal 5
consent 5
consignees 5
Berlin 5
difficulty 5
action 5
agents 5
inquiries 5
large 5
prohibition 5
adopted 5
bring 5
mentioned 5
require 5
confer 5
class 5
supply 5
Western 5
prevent 5
answer 5
streets 5
authority 5
held 5
affirmative 5
carry 5
money 5
nation 5
outbreak 5
possession 5
Acts 5
12th 5
magistrate 5
insert 5
covered 5
note 5

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