Thursday April 23, 1914 | House of Representatives – Australian Parliament

The top 5 words mentioned on 1914-04-23 were: country, work, man, Labour, contract

The 200 most common words used in parliament on Thursday April 23, 1914 were:

Word Frequency
country 126
work 106
man 95
Labour 83
contract 77
men 70
great 58
party 57
regard 55
Attorney General 54
public 51
officer 48
day labour 47
union 46
contractor 43
place 42
statement 41
trade 41
electoral 41
Teesdale Smith 41
price 40
fact 39
rolls 39
cost 38
defence 38
railway 38
side 38
find 36
good 36
Labour party 36
bring 34
pay 34
hope 33
vote 33
power 33
policy 33
hand 32
Ministry 32
material 31
Home Affairs 31
paper 30
measure 30
interests 29
political 29
opinion 29
paid 29
charge 29
conditions 29
land 28
workers 28
proposal 28
Mr Teesdale Smith 28
Mr Teesdale 28
system 27
order 27
brought 27
Senate 27
stock 27
view 25
prepared 25
electors 25
bank 25
reason 24
wages 24
desire 24
case 24
deal 23
asked 23
election 23
Assistant Minister 23
cubic yard 23
law 22
kind 22
majority 22
business 22
Mr Deane 22
Conference 21
connexion 20
heard 20
Melbourne 20
point 20
passed 20
big 20
principle 20
face 20
agreement 20
Liberal 19
attention 19
mind 19
person 19
action 19
pass 19
money 19
waters 19
New South Wales 19
per cubic yard 19
per cubic 19
refer 18
Court 18
rate 18
Bills 18
Victoria 18
control 18
estimate 18
read 17
private 17
long 17
ready 17
Treasurer 17
referred 17
AttorneyGeneral 17
legislation 17
large 17
trust 17
cutting 17
Federal 16
report 16
censure 16
stand 16
district 16
carry 16
leave 16
offer 16
saving 16
dealing 16
horses 16
Governor General 16
night 15
proposed 15
Excellency 15
half 15
class 15
miles 15
document 15
doubt 15
understand 15
experience 15
Minister of Trade 15
Trade and Customs 15
day labour system 15
Captain Saunders 15
Liberal party 15
contract system 15
labour system 15
told 14
purposes 14
motion 14
admit 14
hear 14
late 14
paying 14
secure 14
working 14
industrial 14
number 14
increase 14
nation 14
paragraph 14
Service 13
National 13
reference 13
press 13
appeared 13
responsible 13
making 13
remarks 13
change 13
result 13
duty 13
object 13
talk 13
propose 13
fair 13
favour 13
Conservative 13
Constitution 13
happened 13
history 13
things 13
tenders 13
Queensland 13
preference to unionists 13
yard 12
preference 12
session 12
Argus 12
speak 12
subject 12
called 12
benefit 12
answer 12
Lord 12
platform 12
turn 12
speaking 12
amount 12
forward 12
referring 12
Ministerial 12
produce 12

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