Friday December 06, 1912 | House of Representatives – Australian Parliament

The top 5 words mentioned on 1912-12-06 were: power, railway, law, corporations, Federal

The 200 most common words used in parliament on Friday December 06, 1912 were:

Word Frequency
power 119
railway 60
law 46
corporations 46
Federal 37
case 36
disputes 33
labour 30
control 29
prices 28
word 26
proposal 26
monopoly 25
regard 23
Constitution 23
State railways 23
wages 22
conditions 22
employes 22
principle 22
authority 21
monopolies 21
member for Flinders 21
High Court 21
men 20
combination 20
service 19
persons 19
deal 18
employment 18
view 18
argument 18
fair 17
proposed 16
officers 16
work 16
statement 16
relation 16
good 16
occupation 16
asked 15
business 15
man 15
Court 14
public 14
general 14
Judge 14
power to deal 14
railway service 14
trusts 13
trade 13
purpose 13
decision 13
meaning 13
authorities 12
fact 12
Commissioners 12
vote 12
hand 12
strike 12
companies 12
calling 12
Arbitration Court 12
industry 11
employed 11
policy 11
point 11
great 11
prevent 11
order 11
sufficient 11
determine 11
railway servants 11
industrial 10
consideration 10
notice 10
overtime 10
rate 10
bring 10
private 10
employer 10
interfere 10
award 10
legislation 10
individuals 10
held 10
United States 10
combines 9
Victoria 9
reason 9
affairs 9
adopted 9
tribunals 9
sphere 9
doubt 9
side 9
party 9
absolutely 9
kind 9
stand 9
opinion 9
dealing 9
confusion 9
New South Wales 9
trade and commerce 9
Motion by Mr 9
Federal authority 9
Mr Hughes 9
divided Majority 9
representatives 8
agreed 8
staff 8
hour 8
move 8
reference 8
interference 8
capital 8
voted 8
report 8
thought 8
electors 8
step 8
responsibility 8
carried 8
circumstances 8
exist 8
Federation 8
contention 8
vested 8
attempt 8
inserted 8
wide 8
AYES NOES Question 8
House divided Majority 8
Majority AYES NOES 8
Question so resolved 8
divided Majority AYES 8
read a second 8
read a third 8
Federal Parliament 8
House divided 8
Majority AYES 8
NOES Question 8
free 7
leave 7
occasion 7
received 7
pay 7
reply 7
Sydney 7
nature 7
opportunity 7
measure 7
laid 7
find 7
intervene 7
respect 7
opposed 7
create 7
charge 7
speaking 7
things 7
country 7
dealt 7
jurisdiction 7
manufacture 7
affirmative Bill read 7
fair and reasonable 7
law of supply 7
right the Federal 7
supply and demand 7
Bill read 7
Inter State 7
affirmative Bill 7
commerce power 7
free competition 7
industrial disputes 7
industrial matters 7
industrial peace 7
railway men 7
Arbitration 6
competition 6
answer 6
called 6
application 6
action 6
lay 6
inquiries 6
money 6
school 6
citizen 6
grounds 6
objection 6
conciliation 6
define 6
set 6
independent 6
responsible 6
interest 6

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