Tuesday October 08, 1912 | House of Representatives – Australian Parliament

The top 5 words mentioned on 1912-10-08 were: motion, order, power, New South Wales, country

The 200 most common words used in parliament on Tuesday October 08, 1912 were:

Word Frequency
motion 219
order 159
power 99
New South Wales 83
country 82
Standing Orders 73
action 67
notice of motion 67
notice 64
land 63
Governor General 63
great 61
read 60
industry 58
work 57
privileges 56
public 54
policy 54
explosives 54
place 54
pay 52
immigration 51
frivolous 51
member for Capricornia 51
labour 50
men 49
duty 48
business 47
desire 47
case 44
sugar 43
asked 43
fact 42
opinion 42
regard 42
population 41
deal 41
growers 39
connexion 39
ruling 39
point 38
good 38
number 38
persons 37
newspaper 37
hope 36
residence 36
reason 36
Chair 35
sugar industry 35
statement 34
interests 34
system 34
Sydney 33
company 33
party 32
letter 32
support 31
view 30
carried 30
large 29
brought 29
move 28
practice 28
long 28
allowed 28
opportunity 28
wages 28
small 27
authority 27
rule 27
find 27
Queensland 26
conditions 26
bring 26
article 26
side 26
cent 26
Western Australia 26
building 25
forward 25
prevent 25
charge 25
immigrants 25
dealing 24
proper 24
decide 24
rolls 24
Excise and bounty 24
parliamentary 23
circumstances 23
representative 22
Supply 22
cane 22
stated 22
amount 22
Melbourne 22
settlement 22
hand 22
thought 22
reading 22
man 22
mines 22
kind 22
bonus 22
GovernorGeneral 21
money 21
Excellency 21
mind 21
ground 21
discussion 21
General 20
white 20
submit 20
majority 20
subject 20
terms 20
accept 20
understand 20
dealt 20
remarks 20
result 20
defence 20
figures 20
received 19
consideration 19
respect 19
purpose 19
prepared 19
desired 19
decision 19
occasion 19
hear 19
conduct 19
refer 19
passed 19
provide 19
officials 19
working 19
Victoria 19
district 19
officers 18
Court 18
failure 18
law 18
surely 18
ordinary 18
carry 18
railway 18
price 18
Old Country 18
permitted 17
open 17
wrong 17
things 17
British 17
fair 17
sleepers 17
established 17
market 17
testing station 17
concerned 16
greater 16
character 16
responsible 16
referring 16
rights 16
procedure 16
adopted 16
heard 16
practically 16
leave 16
referred 16
attitude 16
paid 16
coming 16
delay 16
ships 16
Government House Sydney 16
House Sydney 16
bounty 15
Territory 15
considered 15
areas 15
moved 15
attention 15
test 15
give notice 15
return 14
abolition 14
set 14
adults 14
correct 14
called 14
arrangement 14
continue 14
submitted 14
lies 14
afternoon 14
free 14

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