Wednesday October 02, 1912 | House of Representatives – Australian Parliament

The top 5 words mentioned on 1912-10-02 were: ship, seamen, vessels, agreement, seaman

The 200 most common words used in parliament on Wednesday October 02, 1912 were:

Word Frequency
ship 247
seamen 141
vessels 127
agreement 116
seaman 109
port 108
man 108
men 106
case 105
owner 93
master 91
discharge 86
agreed to Clause 77
person 73
board 72
wages 72
shipping 71
work 65
superintendent 63
crew 59
provided 56
boats 53
sea 50
practice 49
accommodation 48
officers 47
engaged 43
sailors 43
voyage 42
employed 41
regard 41
conditions 39
provide 38
trade ships 38
character 37
report 37
cubic feet 36
word 35
inserted 34
clauses 34
New Zealand 34
reason 33
bad 32
penalty 32
captain 32
law 32
stands 32
river 31
crimping 31
left 31
service 31
good 30
place 30
offence 30
prescribed 30
entitled 28
point 28
apply 28
connexion 28
paid 26
making 26
awards 25
provisions 25
sign 25
regulations 25
Clause as amended 25
Merchant Shipping Act 25
Merchant Shipping 25
Shipping Act 25
amended agreed 25
deal 24
cargo 24
cook 24
opinion 24
fact 24
signed 24
coast trade 24
desire 23
move 23
labour 22
statement 22
purpose 22
proper 22
reasonable 22
experience 22
served 22
Board of Trade 22
limited coast trade 22
foreign going 22
limited coast 22
British 21
ordinary 21
rating 21
definition 21
coast trade ship 21
Clause agreed 21
Imperial Act 21
view 20
engage 20
employment 20
pay 20
great 20
evidence 20
Newcastle 20
circumstances 20
medical 20
New Zealand Act 20
Attorney General 20
Zealand Act 20
amount 19
small 19
subject 19
carry 19
proposed 19
instance 19
terms 19
Amendment agreed 19
Australian trade 19
consideration 18
employ 18
suggestion 18
leave 18
practically 18
permit 18
kind 18
attention 18
country 18
signing 18
discharged 18
steamer 18
prevent 17
company 17
doubt 17
class 17
object 17
propose 17
certificate 17
passengers 17
meet 17
General 16
fireman 16
Sydney 16
allowed 16
large 16
suggested 16
conduct 16
engagement 16
hope 16
order 16
measure 16
difficulty 16
Court 16
referred 16
number 16
rated 16
quarters 16
expense 16
member for Angas 16
Commission 15
room 15
trading 15
bring 15
passed 15
concerned 15
intended 15
qualifications 15
river and bay 15
Australian trade ships 15
ship owners 15
hand 14
carried 14
special 14
permitted 14
capacity 14
miles 14
firemen 14
understand 14
increase 14
Marine 14
foreign going ship 14
Mr Tudor 14
Royal Commission 14
fair 13
stated 13
half 13
life 13
presence 13
period 13
decline 13
drunkenness 13
Inter State 13
bay ships 13
payment 12
sum 12
supply 12
perfectly 12
interests 12
representative 12
proceed 12
greaser 12

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