Friday November 24, 1911 | House of Representatives – Australian Parliament

The top 5 words mentioned on 1911-11-24 were: bank, Savings Bank, Commonwealth Bank, business, money

The 200 most common words used in parliament on Friday November 24, 1911 were:

Word Frequency
bank 409
Savings Bank 73
Commonwealth Bank 61
business 49
money 43
institution 42
banking 39
great 38
State Bank 33
establishment 32
financial 30
country 27
credit 26
proposal 24
rate 22
measure 22
conditions 21
Governor 21
issue 20
fact 20
subject 20
point 20
evidence 19
case 19
number 19
told 19
manager 19
interest 18
place 18
asked 18
commercial 18
system 17
work 17
gold 17
control 17
desire 17
power 17
rate of interest 17
land 16
consideration 16
general 16
regard 16
hope 16
find 16
making 16
State Savings Banks 16
State Savings 16
United States 16
reason 15
opinion 15
experience 15
good 15
profits 15
amount 15
directors 15
side 14
established 14
pay 14
crisis 14
order 14
capital 14
idea 14
party 13
referred 13
public 13
law 13
men 13
political 13
National 12
read 12
Age 12
report 12
policy 12
deal 12
connexion 12
Treasurer 12
advances 12
influence 12
authority 12
exchange 12
benefit 12
large 12
prepared 12
article 12
Labour party 12
New Zealand 12
view 11
cent 11
scheme 11
debt 11
admit 11
bankers 11
countries 11
arguments 11
post offices 11
proposed 10
understand 10
investigation 10
form 10
notice 10
Commission 10
inquiry 10
advantage 10
responsible 10
problem 10
deposit 10
provide 10
shareholders 10
hear 10
heard 10
discount 10
speeches 10
New South Wales 10
Affairs 9
note 9
private 9
statement 9
paid 9
kind 9
step 9
brought 9
operation 9
result 9
common 9
management 9
history 9
morning 9
introduced 9
Queensland 9
Victoria 9
National bank 9
one man 9
proposed bank 9
man 8
concerned 8
hands 8
appointed 8
functions 8
adopted 8
knowledge 8
meet 8
late 8
practically 8
crises 8
Conference 8
lines 8
remarkable 8
sound 8
basis 8
leading 8
mind 8
evolution 8
Europe 8
character 8
extent 8
circulation 8
depositors 8
facilities 8
bills 8
Commonwealth Savings Bank 8
member for Darling 8
Commonwealth Savings 8
Darling Downs 8
Home Affairs 8
New England 8
Labour 7
application 7
sufficient 7
provided 7
appointment 7
inquiries 7
long 7
provisions 7
method 7
enable 7
Board 7
dealing 7
stability 7
establish 7
proper 7
ordinary 7
favour 7
charge 7
success 7
proposition 7
higher 7
discussion 7
branches 7
sort 7
support 7
Associated Banks 7
Select Committee 7
banking institutions 7
banking system 7
note issue 7
private banks 7
post 6
regulation 6
payment 6
future 6

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