Thursday November 02, 1911 | House of Representatives – Australian Parliament

The top 5 words mentioned on 1911-11-02 were: Commission, men, drink, work, man

The 200 most common words used in parliament on Thursday November 02, 1911 were:

Word Frequency
Commission 133
men 84
drink 83
work 72
man 70
service 63
motion 62
system 58
public 58
opinion 53
inquiry 53
good 52
alcohol 52
great 51
appointed 51
political 50
case 46
number 45
view 44
country 44
liquor 43
general 43
Royal Commission 43
order 42
statement 41
pay 35
sugar 35
cost 35
appointment 35
point 34
fact 33
crime 33
Labour 32
Judge 32
telephone 32
Select Committee 32
Sydney 31
grievances 31
side 30
regard 30
experience 30
Commissioners 30
asked 29
support 29
body 29
conditions 29
bring 29
connexion 28
politicians 28
interests 28
vote 28
Defence 27
report 27
Queensland 27
life 27
party 26
national 26
subject 26
free 26
mind 26
candidate 25
expenditure 25
automatic 24
money 24
paid 24
wages 24
saloon 24
understand 24
character 24
proposed 24
trade 23
hand 23
power 23
Estimates 23
fair 23
Forces 22
industry 22
reason 22
deal 21
rates 21
building 21
desire 21
evil 21
total 21
appoint 21
pensions 20
examination 20
remarks 20
children 20
stand 20
place 20
automatic system 20
Military 19
Court 19
representative 19
aware 19
long 19
duty 19
late 19
health 19
hope 19
spent 19
stated 19
opportunity 19
community 19
leave 19
consideration 19
railway 19
commissioned officers 19
notice 18
amount 18
persons 18
physical 18
continue 18
scheme 18
administration 18
Minister of Defence 18
member for North 18
Federal 17
strong 17
set 17
business 17
withdraw 17
British 17
connected 17
call 17
respect 17
majority 17
increase 17
speak 17
proposal 17
proper 17
exchange 17
Defence Forces 17
North Sydney 17
press 16
hold 16
responsible 16
Melbourne 16
affairs 16
kind 16
cent 16
unfortunate 16
Military Forces 16
non political 16
brought 15
land 15
session 15
propose 15
result 15
war 15
abstainers 15
God 15
circumstances 15
personnel 15
subscribers 15
Public Service 15
intoxicating liquors 15
sugar industry 15
Justice 14
find 14
Chief 14
occasion 14
purpose 14
alcoholic 14
death 14
bad 14
inquire 14
absolutely 14
simply 14
papers 14
award 14
New South Wales 14
heard 13
true 13
industries 13
knowledge 13
workers 13
citizens 13
nation 13
curse 13
law 13
object 13
passed 13
confidence 13
city 13
Company 13
favour 13
Territory 13
nationalization 13
fund 13
non commissioned officers 13
officers and men 13
pay and allowances 13
non commissioned 13
old age 13
concerned 12
promise 12
attention 12
article 12

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