Thursday August 04, 1910 | House of Representatives – Australian Parliament

The top 5 words mentioned on 1910-08-04 were: Tasmania, dispute, case, power, system

The 200 most common words used in parliament on Thursday August 04, 1910 were:

Word Frequency
Tasmania 169
dispute 110
case 104
power 100
system 70
Court 64
industry 64
great 60
fact 60
metric system 54
trade 53
goods 52
industries 51
work 51
Constitution 51
measures 50
industrial dispute 50
motion 46
view 43
include 43
definition 42
law 42
regard 42
legislation 41
Victoria 41
conditions 40
unions 40
relation 39
consideration 39
leakage 37
subject 37
amount 37
employment 37
place 36
employes 36
terms 35
adoption 35
deal 34
order 33
figures 33
point 33
man 33
organization 33
weights and measures 33
asked 32
large 32
duty 31
opinion 31
Attorney General 31
fair 30
persons 30
country 30
reform 30
arbitration 29
revenue 29
employers 29
proposed 29
adopted 29
number 28
President 28
ten 27
report 27
men 26
hour 25
rural workers 25
representatives 24
dealing 24
respect 24
Tasmanian 24
kind 24
railway 24
industrial matters 24
per head 24
Federation 23
circumstances 23
doubt 23
party 23
bring 23
understand 23
decimal system 23
brought 22
loss 22
public 22
Great Britain 22
Sydney 21
adopt 21
statement 21
find 21
argument 21
strikes 21
jurisdiction 21
meaning 21
extent 20
money 20
hope 20
reason 20
award 20
desire 20
vote 20
labour 20
machinery 20
change 20
New South Wales 20
member for Bass 20
paragraph 19
benefit 19
decision 19
interests 19
justice 19
difference 19
scope 19
extend 19
workers 18
purpose 18
claim 18
concerned 18
entitled 18
hands 18
agricultural 18
New Zealand 18
United States 18
Federal 17
employed 17
heard 17
told 17
manufacturers 17
proposal 17
word 17
currency 17
exercise 17
difficulty 16
Treasurer 16
servants 16
cost 16
advantage 16
small 16
operation 16
side 16
impossible 16
education 16
political 16
Inter State 16
principal Act 16
Wages Board 16
propose 15
long 15
British 15
officers 15
held 15
proper 15
admit 15
tax 15
absolutely 15
action 15
sovereign 15
certificates 15
instance 15
thought 15
extension 15
Trade and Customs 15
Customs 14
pass 14
basis 14
legal 14
English 14
intend 14
connexion 14
form 14
pounds 14
ground 14
land 14
practically 14
object 14
hear 14
left 14
trouble 14
dealt 14
labourers 14
High Court 14
notice 13
half 13
engaged 13
read 13
expressed 13
paid 13
step 13
mails 13
private 13
answer 13
receive 13
methods 13
making 13
pay 13
moment 13
reference 13
stands 13
expense 13
prevent 13
constitutional 13
AttorneyGeneral 13

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