Wednesday July 21, 1909 | House of Representatives – Australian Parliament

The top 5 words mentioned on 1909-07-21 were: ruling, message, old age, point, case

The 200 most common words used in parliament on Wednesday July 21, 1909 were:

Word Frequency
ruling 89
message 88
old age 88
point 85
case 83
order 81
old age pensions 78
age pensions 78
increase 66
practice 64
proposed 59
Treasurer 59
measure 56
proposal 56
private member 56
expenditure 55
money 52
Mr Chairman 52
motion 51
view 45
amendments 45
power 44
decision 43
Crown 43
resolution 42
charge 40
amount 39
moved 39
appropriation 38
member for Wide 38
Wide Bay 38
vote 35
read 35
statement 35
regard 34
General 32
submitted 32
taxation 32
revenue 31
fact 31
rule 31
duty 31
persons 31
discussion 31
recommendation 30
brought 30
pensioners 29
principal Act 29
Chairman 28
public 28
introduced 28
Bills 28
law 27
place 27
Standing Orders 27
asked 26
good 26
opinion 26
Governor General 26
money Bill 26
desire 25
connexion 25
principle 25
charge upon 25
provide 24
hope 24
consideration 24
circumstances 24
object 24
party 23
cost 23
occasion 23
find 23
understand 23
rights 23
dealing 23
member for East 23
East Sydney 23
burden 22
long 22
applicant 22
ruled 22
side 22
parliamentary 22
move 21
deal 21
Federal 21
considered 21
provisions 21
payment 21
amend 21
submit 21
precedent 21
upheld 21
propose 20
women 20
increased 20
Chair 20
clear 20
action 20
great 20
paid 20
reason 20
Pensions Bill 20
business 19
impossible 19
argument 19
invalid 18
report 18
night 18
absolutely 18
passing 18
reply 18
referred 18
making 18
opportunity 18
attention 18
institutions 18
letter 18
suggested 18
accept 18
stage 18
bring 18
asylum 18
man 18
majority 18
quoted 18
Chairman s ruling 18
age Pensions Bill 18
pensions 17
men 17
claim 17
work 17
prepared 17
answers 17
estimate 17
financial 17
pay 17
form 17
passed 17
competent 17
tax 17
authority 17
ruling Mr Chairman 17
ruling Mr 17
notice 16
word 16
direction 16
paper 16
Constitution 16
hand 16
specific 16
procedure 16
responsibility 16
preceded 16
New South Wales 16
purpose 15
doubt 15
raised 15
remarks 15
agreed 15
Ministry 15
British 15
objection 15
follow 15
provided 15
service 15
apply 15
mind 15
involve 15
instance 15
sum 14
yesterday 14
laid 14
reference 14
proceed 14
subject 14
control 14
rate 14
permitted 14
officers 14
favour 14
limitation 14
general terms 14
sixty years 14
properly 13
relevant 13
representatives 13
tender 13
intend 13
number 13
adopted 13
left 13
large 13
magistrate 13
Treasury 13
ground 13
dissent 13
point of order 13
receive 12

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