Friday November 06, 1908 | House of Representatives – Australian Parliament

The top 5 words mentioned on 1908-11-06 were: bounty, industry, Treasurer, power, paid

The 200 most common words used in parliament on Friday November 06, 1908 were:

Word Frequency
bounty 95
industry 68
Treasurer 59
power 47
paid 34
manufacture 34
goods 30
case 30
desire 30
amount 29
rates of wages 29
wages 28
works 28
left 26
manufacturer 25
conditions 23
proposal 22
move 20
person 20
firm 19
schedule 19
bounties 19
find 19
Constitution 19
standard 17
wire 17
claim 17
propose 17
pig iron 17
sum 16
enterprise 16
Encouragement Bill 16
defence 15
law 15
amendments 15
provide 15
pay 14
regard 14
money 14
payment 14
men 14
prescribed 14
country 14
regulations 13
purpose 13
point 13
provided 13
proposed 12
notice 12
prepared 12
general 12
understand 12
prevent 12
cent 12
Lithgow 12
word 12
Sir William Lyne 12
Sir William 12
William Lyne 12
iron industry 12
twelve months 12
view 11
respect 11
connexion 11
fact 11
consideration 11
amended 11
fair 11
reasonable 11
form 11
transfer 11
stands 11
tribunal 11
locality 11
insert in lieu 11
view to insert 11
lieu thereof 11
standard rates 11
wire netting 11
payable 10
manufactured 10
Court 10
read 10
explanation 10
support 10
opportunity 10
bonus 10
period 10
great 10
bond 10
nationalization 10
power to take 10
within twelve months 10
within twelve 10
authority 9
statement 9
report 9
character 9
enable 9
bring 9
submitted 9
difficulty 9
objection 9
recommitted 9
figures 9
object 9
demand 9
large 9
vote 9
making 9
hear 9
doubt 9
principle 9
production 9
held 9
bar iron 9
per ton 9
action 8
operation 8
business 8
motion 8
order 8
accept 8
practically 8
measure 8
decide 8
sufficient 8
thought 8
loss 8
prescribe 8
situation 8
Federal 8
drafted 8
mind 8
interests 8
Tasmania 8
discretion 8
party 8
bounty shall 8
industrial 7
cost 7
system 7
land 7
class 7
public 7
promise 7
moment 7
cover 7
list 7
manner 7
intended 7
financial 7
kind 7
full 7
benefit 7
claimant 7
opinion 7
open 7
number 7
employes 7
wishes 7
hope 7
leave 7
admit 7
reason 7
satisfactory 7
legislation 7
expiry 7
confer 7
alternative 7
Manufactures Nov Encouragement 7
Manufactures REPRESENTATIVES Encouragement 7
Nov Encouragement Bill 7
REPRESENTATIVES Encouragement Bill 7
William Lyne proposed 7
agreed to Clause 7
puddled bar iron 7
Lyne proposed 7
Manufactures Nov 7
Nov Encouragement 7
maximum amount 7
puddled bar 7
suggested 6
application 6
trade 6
discussion 6
intention 6
difficult 6
withdraw 6
laid 6
difference 6
asked 6
discuss 6
suppose 6
stage 6
long 6
altered 6
stated 6

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